Posts by Ballzo

    Longtime Kodi user here. Used on Windows, Linux and now LibreElec for a while. I recently moved and was forced into getting a whole new setup. I ended getting a Roku TV without fulling knowing if or how I was going to be able incorporate my Kodi media center in there or not. Luckily I was able to get it going rather quickly and I'm using it but not with the same frequency I was prior as the rest of the family now prefers the Roku. I recently noticed that you can run Kodi thought the Android App store on your Android TV itself. I'm wondering if anyone know or can share what that experience is like compared to running LibreElec on its own hardware?

    Thank you!

    Over the last several months this issue where playing youtube videos pause and hickup I think because they cannot buffer fast enough. Only recently over the last few months has this become a problem and it seemed to get worse over time. I used to watch the youtube addon alot and now its to the point where almost everything is unwatchable. I tried looking at the settings and changed the cache setting but didn't seem to change anything. I verify that it is still an issue using advancedsetting.xml or not as it is the same on two kodi machines I use. Not having issues with other addons that stream like BitChute to where you might think I have a bandwidth problem. Just the YouTube one.

    Any ideas?

    Hey guys, long time XBMC/Kodi user and I'm thinking about rebuilding my system again. I have been running on a version of Kodibuntu for the last few years. Prior to that I ran on a Windows system. Anyway, I recently decided it was time to update from Kodi 17 to 18 so to do so I also needed to do a linux distro update which was running on ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04. Well needless to say I've run into many issues with the upgrade. Some of which are, samba shares broken, can't get audio to passthrough to TV as well as unable to install kodi skins and there may be more yet that I have just not discovered. So, I'm considering scratching all of it to a rebuild and love the idea of the LibreELEC simplicity! One thing I was hoping to accomplish with my upgrade was the ability to launch a browser session from Kodi so I could get to Amazon prime content. I'm seeing some conflicting info in regards to that ability within LibreELEC. I know a browser launcher isn't going to work which I have played with some on my old system......and I see some indication that there was at one time a chrome specific program addon. Not sure if that still around or has been abandoned. Can I get this to work with LibreELEC or do I need to look elsewhere?
