Posts by herrmeier

    In context the number of users rocking up here with latest generation Intel hardware is small and in continuous slow in-decline for the last decade. So audience is not large, there is a workaround (albeit forum sourced) available, and 'Yes' adding hacky stuff to the core image matters and is something to be avoided; largely because once workarounds are merged history shows people end up being happy with the workaround and the root cause is never pursued. If you refuse the hack up-front there's a significantly higher probability of the real issue being resolved (tried and tested). Backporting patches merged/submitted upstream is a no-brainer.

    IMHO the latest Intel community isn't small and will grow up quickly. The Intel n100 boxes replaces all the RPi3 in my family for 4k media center. RPi4/5 are to expensive for the benefit they give...

    With Linux tools:

    - download the *.img.gz

    - Unpack the Image

    gzip -d *.img.gz

    - plug in the SD card and search the device name


    - write the image to disk, replace sdX with the device name of the SD card

    sudo dd if=*.img. of=/dev/sdX bs=4M

    Colud it be "DirtyRegion" related issue?

    Give it a try and switch of "DirtyRegionVisualization"







    There are some benefit of a slim system. Less software code has less potentially security issues. Updates procedures are more quick, startup ect... I love Linux systems like Alpine, Void, Arch, LE or OpenWRT compared to other fat and bloated distributions.

    So many thanks to the LE developers at this point.

    Hm, wusste gar nicht dass es eine "insert" Taste gibt. Wenn du allerdings auch den Key-Code versucht hast, liegt das Problem vielleicht woanders. Probier mal, mit der "blue" Taste ob's damit geht oder nicht. Wenn ja, kontrollier noch einmal ob der Key-Code auch richtig ist.

    Debug wieder einschalten und dann:

    tail -f /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi.log

    Tasten drücken

    Einen Neustart von LE wirst du sicherlich schon versucht haben...

    Yes, that's working well with LE...

    Create a script witch toggle between on/off:

    nano /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.hyperion/



    if ps | grep -v grep | grep $SERVICE > /dev/null


    systemctl stop service.hyperion


    systemctl start service.hyperion


    Make the script executable:

    chmod +x /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.hyperion/

    Now modify the keyboard mapping for example the blue key:

    nano /storage/.kodi/userdata/keymaps/remote.xml


    Optional you can always switch off Hyperion on boot up by autostart script:

    nano /storage/.config/


    systemctl stop service.hyperion

    ) &

    Hallo josch76,

    Entschuldige bitte, ich gehe immer davon aus, dass die meisten "Frickler" hier mit Linux bestens vertraut sind.

    Für die meisten Plattformen findest du hier aktuelle Builds mit den meisten Modulen einkompiliert.
    Gibt es einen konkreten Grund für einen Update? Solange es bei dir läuft, würde ich keine Updates machen.

    Ansonsten müsst du das für deine Plattform richtige Archiv entpacken und oscam mit z.B SMB oder WinSCP an den genannten Pfad kopieren.

    Yes, you can compile it yourself for the target architecture with the needed modules and replace the binary "oscam" in"/storage/.kodi/addons/service.softcam.oscam/bin"
    svn co trunk oscamcd oscam./ --guimake
    scp ./Distribution/oscam-1.20-unstable_svn* root@libreelec:/storage/.kodi/addons/service.softcam.oscam/bin/oscam

    ...yes, me :)
    8.0.103 is working fine on one of my Raspberry Pi3 with DVB-S2, using a TECHNOTREND TT-connect S2-4600 USB-Tuner.


    Gesendet von meinem H60-L04 mit Tapatalk

    Do you have me a hint how to get scrambled channels working with OSCam? Because here the VDR VSNI never request my Smartcard for descrambling channels. I check all the options but I didn't found an option for that.

    In Libreelec 8 the latest VDR addons will not descramble TV channels

    When using "service.multimedia.vdr-addon-8.0.100" it's still working but later versions made some changes and descrambling will not work with my setup. Has someone a running setup with "service.multimedia.vdr-addon-8.0.103"?


    - I don't use EMU but you can do this...
    - compile it yourself or download a binary file
    - replace the existing one "/storage/.kodi/addons/service.softcam.oscam/bin"
    - restart OSCam "systemctl restart service.softcam.oscam"s o
    - deactivate update for oscam addon
    - I don't know about TVH, just use VDR