Just to be clear about this... I don't think anyone is to blame other then Amlogic by pushing a SoC to the box makers without decently supporting it to begin with...
wrxtasy... i agree and understand 100% when it comes to dealers and the innocent buyer looking for the best deal...
The question one begs to ask is ... why Amlogic would choose to base their new flagship SoC S912 around a gpu based on IpCores for a processor they claim they cant produce the required linux userspace binaries for... I find the idea of Amlogic NOT having the Mali DDK for the Midgard T82xx they used in the S912 to be insane...
This is how the Arm rep explained it to me... Arm supplies the required Mali DDK (in this case) to whoever the Silicon Partner is, Amlogic in this case. A few of us awhile back looked into trying to get the DDK from Arm...
This is about Amlogic retaining control...
Amlogic has always had Terrible support for Linux from the git go, sure, over the years they've gotten better as they appear to be helpful by throwing a bone once and awhile and by providing limited info to handful of coders, but that didn't seem to come until they seen a handful of coders sink their time into making Linux a reality by letting others do most of the work. Amlogic already controls most of the market as they spoon feed the manufactures who are more then happy in most cases to pass the firmware buck off to someone else which is why so much of the existing Android firmware is so similar from box to box no matter who the actual maker is. In alot of cases is just small differences in the device tree info that differs as small parts of the SoC may change. Ive spent years disassembling box firmware files and its not hard to see all the common markers from one vendor do the next, point being Amlogic's in control.
All thats fine with me but people really should be made aware of the reality of things and its simple in that Until Amlogic decides to help with userland binaries to let Linux be fully supported on the S912's things are going to be tough to progress and in the meantime dealers keep pushing the S912 based boxes off on the mis-informed buyers coerced into buying a S912 box with buggy software... meaning Android...
After 3 years of pestering Amlogic and not once having a emall of phone call returned I have long since given up asking for help... Having other Arm Sdk's lead me to ask a Arm rep about aquiring the Mali DDK and was told Arm will provide the required tools to their silicon partners after some terms are met... NDA's ... money... so basically it means if your not a huge volume vendor NO... further to the question was because Amlogic is the Silicon Partner using the T82x in question that it would be up to them to provide the Userland binaries for the version specific linux kernel to allow linux to run... the only way around this would be to find another silicon partner that has the full ddk to do it which again probably mean No... I asked as well about myself being able to sign/pay so as to able to create linux binaries as a company for exiting mali based products and was told they would get back to me which after that point all i got was a email thanking me for interest in the product and i never heard anymore. that was early last year...
I spent a lot of time looking at the S912 as i truly thought it would be the next powerhouse in the cheaper SoC market as compared to the more expensive Intel or Nvidia level of boxes, but in now light of watching Amlogics tactics tell my customers to avoid the S912 based boxes no matter who they buy it from...
would tell others to stick with boxes that have current public support and for anyone looking for more power to forget about Amlogic products as they seem to now be more about selling and less about support.
In the meantime as others have said... they are being forced to upgrade by the manufacturers stopping the production on earlier models that had just finally started to come into their own as truly good stable software is finally coming from non-amlogic sources such as here and other places... Amlogic is taking advantage of a over populated manufacturing market by using the introduction of Rush-to-Market on products while trying to compete and the reality is its not because the chip isn't not a good design but rather over them trying to retain software control at the consumers cost...
I know its not gonna happen but the best thing that could happen for now would be for the dealers buying from the manufactures to stop purchasing S912 based boxes and stick with boxes that are better supported, which i am sure from the manufactures point makes no never mind as they are really only interested in selling what theres a demand for... it might even make boxes cheaper as the S812 should be cheaper as they are no longer Amlogics cadilac...
I understand business and how things are done but in the case of the S912's even Android is not very stable let alone expect Kodi to be any better is deceiving as to be honest we all know that Kodi with its ability to stream media is a key driver behind a lot of the increased interest in tv boxes...
Hardkernel and the Odroid boards as far as i am aware are using the earlier Midgard or older Mali's so getting help from him may not be applicable...
Kszaq... sorry if in anyway i come off as trying to imply or say your misinforming anyone as that is truly not my intention, i'm sure your repeating someone else's excuses for a problem of their own creation, and i truly hope what you said is wrong...
on another note... keep up the great work, because you and the others like you a great many people have got working boxes because of you guys and the support you have managed to give the public... someday i hope someone rewards you guys for all the work you guys do because you guys deserve it...
For me i am not interested in using Android to turn a TVbox into another Google spy toy as the people that come to me have already had a bad Android box experience because of a box they bought that doesn't function in the manner the dealer that sold it to them said it would, as a result i realized there was a decent market in providing people with a decent working solution when it comes to Android boxes and streaming media... My business is about providing the best running solution i can create for the end user and ive had to learn a few hard lessons over the years buy not staying away from certain things. If i sound biased towards a linux solution, its because i am... lol...
There are methods of solving the issues but in some cases they introduce other issues and are bulky and not somthing i would want to dump into the public domain as that would just help justify Amlogics sale of the S912... I spent many years reverse engineering smart card wafers and firmware so i am not totally unfamiliar with firmware disassembly and hardware using jtag and other debugging links, but any real solution for public use is probably going to rely on Amlogic or someone else that can legally lay their hands on the Mali DDK to compile the version specific Userland Binaries... Maybe its time to dig out the old BlackHat and put in some time digging around... Even tho Odroids using a different midgard product following some of the threads over there help with a better understanding as there are some great guys and good posts for anyone researching the topic.
Anyways... just my thoughts and hopefully i have not pee'd in anyones sandbox... I don't post all that much as i'm busy doing my own thing but do like to see what others are up to... it was the comments implying that buyers are responsible for what they get that got me to speak up... and i do agree that at times people do deserve what they get but i usually treat that as a case by case rather then blanket general statement...