this one?
Edit: is there any difference between those two?
2020-08-03 04:38 107M
2020-08-03 04:39 107M)
Edit 2: tested DL on 8GB, only a solidrun boot text visible, no red powerled on front.
next the Q version: first solid bootloadertest and red powerled burning, rebooted in LibreELEC display, rebooted again and had a small video issue (stripes top to bottom and was a bit slow in reacting of choosing dutch (needed a download dutch module after a wile) did started trough and asked for PVR.
I worked! :-))D
Do i need any other installs other then what i need to do when i do a clean installation?
(placed the backup tar in the folder so it should go to last user data when i restore, it's a test need the 16GB for space))
i had a direct Libre (LibreELEC-imx6.arm-8.2.5.img) which got stuck in booting (same as descibed below.) so i used a OpenElec version and migrated this to LibreELEC with this:"LibreELEC-imx6.arm-8.2.5" which worked fine on 16GbSD
which started after reboot in menu correctly, so i started to build my library and such from scratch and it froze on a 3d video i accidently started so i hard booted it with the power off on. did exactly the same as original img i tried above. a startup screen and flashing powerlight.
i use a 16Gb SD and Cuboxi4pro (large library)
(Edit: i let it off for 8 hours and it booted... this is strange.) (Yes i did the 10sec rule)
anyway first a backup (straight copy of the SD in explorer) in this one and then that 9.8 nightly on an other SD for testing