Maybe connect your drives to raspberry via USB hub that has independent power source?
Posts by tokul
Transparent proxy is just one step further from running a proxy.
You can edit files via SSH by running command via SSH. You probably do not want to learn sed
ssh root@libreelec sed -i 's/old/new/g' /storage/test.txt
If you are about editing metadata in video files, commands depend on video format.
google has Mongolian and Khmer fonts under open font license. For some reason they prefer not to design their site to work on system which has Mongolian and Khmer support, if javascript is not enabled.
Old Italic and Linear B support in subtitles was a joke.
It might be better, if UI did not depend on single font for subtitles and could use any font that supports text in specific unicode block.
Noto Sans Mongolian - Google FontsNoto is a global font collection for writing in all modern and ancient languages. Noto Sans Mongolian is an unmodulated (“sans serif”) design for texts in the - Google FontsThe Khmer fonts are designed for readable and beautiful rendering of text in the Khmer script, the national language of Cambodia. The designer, Danh Hong, has -
Arial Unicode MS does not support Khmer or Mongolian or Old Italic or Linean B.
vmware workstation can start both generic-legacy and generic ovas.
lspci shows that libreelec/linux recognizes video card as VMWare SVGA II adapter.
Maybe configure your video card in hypervisor properly or use different virtualization software. VGA (640x480) emulation is likely not enough for the system.
Maybe also start new topic instead of hijacking something unrelated to virtualbox.
Sensible way would be to separate storage devices used for OS and media. Use smaller/cheaper device for OS that you can rebuild without losing data and store media on other device. But since it is RPi, you probably got only one disk.
Are you sure that you did not format partition to use xfs file system or used conflicting label on drive?
"removed the 400GB partition that accounts for 5% of the drive" - that is not partition, but default reserved size on ext3.
Provide log files for devs to debug instead of asking them to guess your problem using crystal balls.
TLS provides encryption and not authentication. You are probably connecting to regular FTP service with StartTLS support and not to FTPS (or FTP-over-SSL)
ext3/4 grow-th is online operation. unmount is not necessary. only parted might have required partition table rescan.
Sorry, whilst I'm sure that made sense to you, to me (primarily Windows) its gibberish. Any chance of a translation?
.po files are gettext translation files. You can edit them on Windows with poedit. You can find that program on google. I don't want to put links to external third party sites on forum.
Example of gettext is below.
msgid "Favourites"
msgstr "Favoritter"---
You are supposed to edit only msgstr part. msgid is base text. Changing msgid in strings.po does nothing unless you want to spend your time changing original text and then updating every strings.po file to match your changes in source files. Gettext translations are not supposed to be managed that way. They have whole toolkit for extracting strings from sources and updating .po file with string changes.Checked how stuff looks like on Kodi/Libreelec and my understanding of gettext is bit outdated. Kodi genz brainiacs decided to go with uncompiled translations.
I'm using Favourites to list the series currently being watched (right now: Robin's Nest, The Saint, Only Fools and Horses, Homeland). Itis doing what I want and I thought I'd change "Favourites" to "Watching". No problem with Home.xml but strings.po in the skin (eg "Add to Favourites") is giving me trouble. I can edit strings.po with Notepad++ but a) I end up with a much larger file (16kb -> 553 kb) and b) it doesn't work.
It seems to work if I edit strings.po in the Kodi system rather than the skin. I don't want to do this because of implications for upgrading.
.po files are plaintext source files used in translations. Any normal gettext enabled app will be reading .mo files.
Recompile mo file after editing po.
msgfmt -o -c strings.po
There are dedicated .po file editors on this planet.
If your text is coming from US English interface, you can't change it by updating .po/.mo. US English is normally base language.
What does the policy say about torrenting app and the LinuxServer add-ons list
Where can i read about this?
ThreadForum Rules
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- Be as descriptive and detailed as possible. We are not mind readers!
- Do not cross-post or double-post
- Do not post or promote external URL links to products, a name description is
newphreakMarch 15, 2016 at 1:02 AM Official:Forum rules/Banned add-ons - Official Kodi Wiki
"Pirated content" add-ons, websites, and services typically do not include the following (to be determined on a case-by-case basis if necessary):
B. The add-on has the potential to access pirated content, but is potentially useful for downloading legal content as well. [For example, an add-on that downloads torrents is not, itself, a problem, since a torrent can cover a wide variety content, including legally distributed videos.]
From what I've seen on forum LibreElec dev consider torrent apps for their pirating usage and do not take other uses into account. Their policy is more strict than Kodi's one.
Intend to go back to 11.06 by Sunday latest via a fresh installation but have to get my hands on a Windows PC first as I have seen, that the image creator is currently not available for Linux.
Linux includes "disk image writer" in base build. See dd for CLI or gnome disk image writer (right click on .img or .iso).
Come on, from what I've seen in your posts, you're not the out-of-the-box guy.
WD passport/book drives come with spaces in their volume names. Some might be even formatted in the way that older Windows do not recognize their partitions.
Just out of curiosity would it have to be Chrome? Possibly a light weight plain jane browser? Having access to a web browser makes LE a very special and useful system IMHO. Just some thoughts here.
you can watch only youtube home page complaining about search history in links/lynx
Problem is not about international characters being special. Problem is about myriad ways to write them and code written in Python can be really picky about it.
or recursive scp it from old x86 host to clean-installed RPi4's over the network to avoid the hassle of remembeing tar commands
rsync -av -e ssh