Posts by 2469

    I did it as you suggested, i use a 4TB disc that i split in 4 equel parts(931gb). And then format the partititions to ext4. So now i am going to sleep while i transfer all the files. Thanks for all your help. And just one thought, strange that Windows not have ext4 as a format choice...

    There's probably something in Google if you look, but realistically there are only two options:

    a) Move data off the disk, change the filesystem type, move the data back.

    b) Shrink the NTFS partition, create an EXT4, start to shuttle the data from one to the other and progressively shrink one, expand the other, until all the data is moved, then delete the NTFS partition and expand EXT4 to 100%.

    Both will be rather slow .. depending on how full the disk(s) are.

    NB: No idea if there's an actual conversion routine. I wouldn't normally trust that kind of thing.

    Ok, I suspected that's what I have to do. Thanks for all help

    In the past exFAT and NTFS required "userspace" drivers that suffered from slow read/write performance. These days both of those filesystem types have native kernel drivers so performance isn't an issue. However both have reliability issues and NTFS notably can have issues that can only be corrected using chkdsk.exe on Windows. As such, the preferred format for Linux drives in LE is still ext4.

    Ok, thanks for the quick reply. I run my disks(around 10TB) with NTFS, as I suspected that it does not work with exfat if files are larger than 4GB. The format you mention (ext4), is there a good guide on how to convert it? Kind regards, Thore

    Hello.. today my kodi crash ans stop play the movie i look at. I took out all 3 hd and connect them to my laptop without any problem. I then reinstall them and restart the system without luck. How do i do to make them work again? I have 4 partitons on them and just some of them work. Please help me. Best regards Thore from Sweden

    Hello and thank you very much for all the work you do. After the latest updates (11-->), the "resume" symbol has been missing from TV series and movies. Is this a setting, or is it something to be fixed in a future update. I have: LibreELEC 11.0.6 Generic. Kind regards 2469

    Hi and thanks for all the help and sorry for the late reply... I found a solution yesterday that saved my disks. I used a program called "MiniTool Partition Wizard" which cleaned/corrected the errors that occurred. Windows own Chkdsk in CMD did not make them compatible again with LE, strange as it worked before. But read somewhere here in the forum that it can depend on which Win10 edition you have. Anyway, it works again, but will check the LibreELEC 12 solution that you posted here. Thanks again and take care everyone, you are worth your weight in gold you know. Best regards 2469 from Sweden

    Thank you so much for the quick reply. so you think I should wait to update to 11.0.4 instead of manually installing 11.0.3 on my PC with Legacy Generic PC (NVIDIA GPUs)? Because today I have a little problem with jerky video that I tried to find a solution for. but it seems to be a jungle of solutions that I don't want to try as I'm afraid of creating more problems instead of solving them. As I said, thank you very much and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from here in Sweden...

    Hello my friends and Merry Christmas.... I'm torn right now, should i manual download 11.0.3 or wait til it show up in kodi? I have LE 11.0.1 and have some small problems that i hope should maybe could be solved with an update. Take care to you all from Sweden

    Wht don't you try gpiozero Button..more can add short press reboot,long press shutdown etc

    Hello #Mario77... It seems that you are good at Linux coding. I am not that good at Linux/LE, and i have make few changes through SSH, so i know what it is ans so. Today i have Generic AMD/Intel/NVIDIA (x86_64) installed on a PC, and it is connected to a UPS that support it at a power break. My idea was to make a script or so like: "if LAN/ethernet goes down start" or something like that. Thought there was an "power manager addon" that has a function for my idea, but can not find any. Best regards from Thore in Sweden

    Did you read the right post at the link? it's post #4.

    Curl works on Linux. Which OS do you want to use to control LE?

    Hello again and thanks for your reply. I am not that good at Linux/LE, and the few changes i have done is through SSH. Today i have Generic AMD/Intel/NVIDIA (x86_64) installed on a PC, and it is connected to a UPS that support it at a power break. My idea was to make a script or so like: "if LAN/ethernet goes down start" or something like that. I don't know anything about programming, so the "curl" you mention is like hebrew to me :D . Thought there was an "power manager addon" that has a function for my idea, but can not find any. Best regards from Thore in Sweden