Posts by xsi

    I stuck the latest temperature sensor enabled "g" SD Card build on my MiniMX-G (V1) non beelink branded (S905, 2Gb/16Gb) last night . Rebooted about 5 -6 times including a full power down and boot up and so far working fine, no freezes on bootup. I will test further in the upcoming few days.

    But there's definitely an improvement, on previous builds with temperature sensor enabled this box started freezing straight away on bootup could not even get 3 consecutive reboots from it without a freeze.

    Update, I upgraded to the newer "h" build, by copying over the img file into the update folder and rebooting, glad to say this version is alo spot on, not a single hang on bootup so far. So curiously even though kszaq advises nothing that should influence boot freezes related to temperature sensor has changed in the build, I no longer appear to have any boot issues with normal temp sensor enabled builds...

    So far so good,

    I stuck the latest temperature sensor enabled "g" SD Card build on my MiniMX-G (V1) non beelink branded (S905, 2Gb/16Gb) last night . Rebooted about 5 -6 times including a full power down and boot up and so far working fine, no freezes on bootup. I will test further in the upcoming few days.

    But there's definitely an improvement, on previous builds with temperature sensor enabled this box started freezing straight away on bootup could not even get 3 consecutive reboots from it without a freeze.

    The 012 build with temp sensor disabled is so far bootng up with no issues from SD Card on my s905 Mini-MX G V1 (non beelink branded) . great work looks like the freeze on reboot issue is resolved by disabling the temp sensor.

    One observation I made though , not a bug is that th 012 build has slightly higher RAM utilisation than the temp sensor disabled development build and previous builds, i.e: previously after watching some video etc, the device would return to 10% free RAM 181 Meg utilised from 2Gig. On 012 it returns to 12% utilised 214 meg. Again jsut an observation, im not concerned since 214 meg used from 2gif available RAM is hardly anything 12% :)

    Great work on finding out the cause of the freezing on boot up for S905 devices.. I agree that android firmware updates are probably non-existant anymore and manufacturers quickly move onto newer models and abandon older models.

    I have a Mini-MX-G V1 (Nexteon manufactured , unbranded Beelink) " 2G- 16G , 1 Gig ethernet, dual band WiFi - this device suffers from freezing on reboot (I havent tested the new builds with temp sensor disabled yet). However the android firmware I am running is 107L1 April 2016 - I believe this is the lastest available firmware for this device and there are no newer updates available, unlesss there is a compatible firmware from other similar boxes that works on this box..

    - best option is probably to have seperate build for incompatible devices temp sensor disabled, no point for users who's devices work well with temp sensor to suffer as well.

    If option 2 is too much extra work and overhead for you then option 3 is the best option diasble the temp sensor in all builds. Eiither way will be fine, I live in the UK it's generally not very warm here...not much danger of overheating these devices :)

    I asked Minix for the patch because they supposedly fixed the issue in their U1 firmware.

    It will be intresting to see if Minix are interested in sharing the patch. Minix and other manufacturers must be extremely upset at how well LibreElec runs on cheap china devices they must be losing a lot of sales due to people realising you dont need to spend over $100 for a cabpable Kodi device.

    As I understand it the device trees in the 009 stable buuild (not development builds) and 010 builds are the same, is this correct ? If so, it cant be the device tree that is causing the boot failures. Running 009 build on MiniMX V1 (2G/16G), S905 works fine I dont have the boot failure issue on this build.

    But the 010 build does have the boot failure issue.

    On my second box new S905X MiniM8S II (2g/16g), I have tried both the 64bit and 32 bit builds from SD card, I am currently on the 32 Bit build, it's definitely better on memory usage after playing videos the box generally returns to 10% Memory usage 181 meg. Previouslly this normally used to go up to 550 meg and not really drop after stopping video streams, depending how many videos you played. I havent tested extensively yet but 32 bit build definitely seems to have helped with the memory leak issue. Internal WiFi also works fine 2.4ghz only on this box, I tested streaming a 1080p stream and absolutely fine no issues, my box is only 2 metres away from my router though...

    On another note, this MiniM8S II is a lot faster to boot up than my MiniMX in terms of booting into the android OS and also LibreElec. maybe it has faster flash memory. On bootup it displays a Google TV Boot Logo followed by a MBOX boot logo. Also seems snappier and faster in normal usage though. In the MiniMX im using a Class 10 Samsung EVO card (48meg read), in the new S905X MiniM8SII Im using a 16gb Mixza Tohaoll class 10 Monkey edition card (30 meg read)... In terms of read/write rates the Samsung card in the MiniMX shouild be better...

    There is a memory leak problem in 64bit libre Elec builds that causes RAM to fill up on devices which results in the boxes becoming sluggish and non responsive once the memory is fully utilised. 1gb boxes are affected more by this issue as 1gb gets filled quicker than 2GB.

    This is one reason why 2gb boxes were recommended. However I believe that this memory leak issue may be resolved on the new 32bit libre Elec builds using arm 32 bit colour space. If this memory leak issue is fixed than yes 1gb should be enough.

    recieved my s905x box yesterday MiniM8s II 2G/16G , just done a fresh install of this build via SD card and so far all seems well. No hanging on boot issues like I have with my S905 MiniMX , I will test video playback over the weekend and report back.

    Yes I get similar behaviour on my Mini MX V1 s905 2Gb/16GB, My device tree is different to yours i use the gxbb_p200_2G_1Gbit.dtb .  As I have Gig ethernet and I domt have Realtek WiFi. I upgraded from last stable build 009 not the development builds.

    I have now reverted to the last stable build 009 and all is well again with the box booting up, not sure if this is a device itree issue or somehtong else causing the non boot issue.

    Theres something strange wth thiis build it fails to boot up correctly but if you pull the power once or twice it then boots into LibreElec correctly. But if you reboot again the same issue happens. I am running from SD card.

    Upgraded from 7.2.009 usiing samba method of dropping the device tree and image file into the update folder then rebooting the device. This is on a S905 . MiniMX v1 , 26/16G using device tree   gxbb_p200_2G_1Gbit.dtb. The same device tree I have always used woth older bullds although I always use the new device trees that are released along with each build version

    Once booted up correctly the build seems to work fine, playbac etc all seemed OK. Buit the failing to boot issue is annooying, cant keep pulling out the power to get it to boot up..

    no offense 2ami but if he hires a whole LE Team for software development you are not gonna buy it because its not the cheapest. Some other chinese box seller will bring out nearly the same product without software support but thanks to open source software he doesn't have to. And its not the fault of FOSS here, its the consumers fault. If it wasn't for Wetek there would probably be no Kodi support for Amlogic yet.

    Thats not strictly true, there was Amlogic support before Wetek maybe not as dedicated but it was there. Codesnake was developing for no-name china Amlogic boxes before he was recognised and employed by Wetek, it's still Codesnake that does a lot of the Amlogic work now...

    The market for China no-name boxes would easily be smaller if bigger brands stopped overcharging for their products. yes it costs money to provide support etc...but thats still no reason to sell your product with lower hardware specs than china devices (half the RAM, Half the flash, same SOC), at 3 - 4 times the prices of a China device. Flash memory is cheap in this day and age no excuses to scrimp on this when your charging over the odds..

    Thats good to hear, I have one of these on order from a week or so ago, when they were on promotion at Gearbest... I already have a MiniMX v1 (2G/16G). It's a shame the MiniM8S doesnt have Gigabit Ethernent and only DualBand WiFi...but for the price I got it for cant really complain too much... I stream most of my content (not played locally) so 100 Meg Fast ethernet should be fine... box will be hard wired, so WiFi not really an issue except if I take it travelling. hotel rooms etc...

    Ned Scott, Very true, a very saturated market. Tough.

    I thought I would give it a try to sell the product here in this forum and see the responds before we actually do it. The feedback has been very negative so far.
    ODROID-C2 is a very nice piece of hardware.

    It's not so much that the response is negative, it's more that you dont have any differentiators for the product your pitching. You wont be able to compete on price with the vast array of Chineese made android devices which already offer very good hardware specs for very little money.

    - Amlogic S905/S905X
    - 2gb RAM
    - 16GB Flash
    - 1 Gig Ethernet
    - Dual band wifi

    The above specs can frequently be found in budget China devices for well under 50 USD, the majority of these devices work very well with Kszaqs LibreElec builds once the driver and device trees have been sorted out. The majority of DIY tinkerers will take a punt on a budget device because the prices are so low.

    Then above this you have the likes of Odroid C2 - development boards and Wetek, so where exactly are you pithching yuor product to sit ? Inbetween budget china boxes and the higher priced devices ? Maybe if you can get Widevine Level 1 certification and DRM approvals from Google/netflix etc in a low priced device people will be interested i.e: in budget device terrotiry.

    Xiaomi do have a android box on the market at the minute that offers DRM capibility and Widevine level1 at a decent price, but anyne that follows Xiaomi will know that they make good hardware but theire software support is useless, thats why it's never recommended to buy a Xiaomi android phone....great hardware...rubiish software, very slow reaction to software updates, bug fixes just dont happen a lot of the time...

    Updated my MiniMX v1 (2G/16G) from the 008 build to the 009 build with no issues so far using device tree "gxbb_p200_2G_1Gbit.dtb" . I am running off SD card so i just placed the update image and device tree into the update folder via Samba share and rebbooted the device. I could see in the text on the LibreElec boot screen that that device tree was updated. No issues so far, audio is working fine, I dont have a 3D or 4K capabale TV to test these features, but 1080p and 720p HD playback all seemed fine.

    The problem with increasing RAM usage and memory not being freed after playing video streams is still present but I have 2G RAM and I dont leave my device switched on 24/7 so this is not a problem for me.

    The box I have is the non beelink branded plain black MiniMX with a Netxeon board inside 2G RAM, 16G Flash, 1 Gig Ethernet , Dual band WiFi - Also known as thr MiniMX v1 and MiniMX-G . One question what is the difference in the device tree callesd "gxbb_p200_2G_1GBit_OTG_Port.dtb" ?? Is this for booting from a USB Pen Drive via the USB port on the box ?

    Great job as usual Kszaq.

    Please kszaq build something for S912. I believe you can easily do that. There is a lot of TV box with Amlogic S912, you have to help these one (like me :s ) who bought it.

    Sorry for my english.

    HELP, HELP US :cry: HELP, HELP US:cry:

    You bought a S912 box without doing the proper research to check that there is LibreElec support or developers working on builds for these devices this is your own fault... If you had bothered to do some reading and research first you would now that current advice is not to buy S912 if you want a good Kodi experience.

    We are lucky that developers like Kszaq , Alex/kerber etc spend time and effort building LibreElec devices for the budget china devices we have. They dont have to do any of this . If you took a "gamble" and bought a S912 box, keep hold of it , who knows maybe at some stage in the future there will be some progress on it, for know the SOC is too new to market for any major devleopment on it.

    Never buy the latest/newest devices on the market in the budget range unless you are willing to ancknowledge there will be lots of broken, buggy software and support will be poor from the manufacturers. If you want a good kodi experience froma cheap device do your research and readind first and choose a box that you know is already working well with LibreElec builds or there is development in progress...

    But it works! Full review over at the Kodi forum: WeTek Hub - 24p HD Netflix - HD Kodi Audio - 10bit HEVC - Lollipop - 4K

    Yes, but devices with the same spec minus the DRM feaures can be picked up for $20 dollars, why would you pay $89 dollars for the same functionality ? Unless you need the DRM capibility for netflix HD etc.
    LibreElec is also significantly faster than android for Kodi also has lots of fixes which the android version doesnt have.