Posts by Andre Bollo
I have a problem at CEC. Whenever I turn off the TV with libreelec in operation (by kodi or manually), after turning the TV on again, the CEC does not work anymore, it only works again after a reboot. Is there a way to fix this? I configured the CEC to turn off the TV when I activate the screen saver, and to turn it on when I turn it off, when the TV turns on, I no longer have the CEC working.
I have an H3 orange pi pc. CEC works at first, but if I change input sources and return, or turn off the TV (samsung), then CEC doesn't come back until I reboot. Everything else looks good, though. I used nightly 20210320 and the stable release 9.95.1.
I have 9.2.6 on a Rpi3 that doesn't have this problem.
on my opi pc i have a problem with the CEC, after playing youtube content, the CEC does not allow turning off the TV, neither during nor after stopping. It looks like it is inverted, it doesn’t let me turn off the TV, and it doesn’t turn off the TV when it goes into standby or turns off. After turn on, before reproducing youtube content, the CEC does not have this problem. I realized that it also happens after returning the screensaver even without running anything.
gabe TV out is now supported in nightly images on H3 and H5. You have to add FDTOVERLAYS /overlays/sun8i-h3-tve.dtbo for H3 or FDTOVERLAYS /overlays/sun50i-h5-tve.dtbo for H5 in extlinux/extlinux.conf file, right before APPEND line.
the file is read-only. how do i edit? Tried via SSH
Andre Bollo BT in the GUI is managed by the LE settings add-on which is in the process of being rewritten for Python3; and BT is still one of the bits that's being worked on. If you SSH into the OS you can use "bluetoothctl" to pair devices etc. - until the GUI work is completed.
thanks. With bluetoothctl I managed to connect the devices. Looking for information about bluetoothctl I found that some adapters wait for pairing only for 3 minutes after they stop working, this helped me a lot.
i have an opipc with a bluetooth adapter, after upgrading to kodi 19 i can no longer connect my bluetooth devices. They appeared on the configuration screen, but did not connect, after the last update they do not appear anymore. Is anyone else with this problem? The bluetooth adapter is 2.0, is that the reason? -
The passthrough audio configuration options have failed to appear after the upgrade. Is there a reason not to exist anymore? still work?
Desculpa, isso não é nada importante, mas existe alguma maneira de instalar na GPOI, LED's que mostrem a atividade do processador, leitura e escrita do cartão SD. Se alguem se interessar por isso, ficarei grato, pela resposta.
Good news everyone
I succeed in adding WIFI driver for orange pi plus 2e. My board have some hardware issues with LAN port and i managed to add WIFI driver. I'm still testing it but it looks promising
You can get my image from here. It should work for other boards with RTL8189FTV too.
Can this be included in the next update?
jernej Can you include it?
Boas notícias, pessoal: D
Eu tenho sucesso em adicionar o driver WIFI para laranja pi mais 2e. Minha placa tem alguns problemas de hardware com uma LAN e eu possoi para instalar o driver WIFI. Ainda estou testando, mas parece promissor
Você pode obter minha imagem daqui . Deve funcionar com outras placas RTL8189FTV
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