Hi LibreELEC,
This bug appeared during the development cycle of Kodi 20. Apparently, at least on my installation, it didn't go away when Kodi 20 was released a couple of weeks ago.
I am running the latest test build of LibreELEC: https://test.libreelec.tv/11.0/RPi/RPi2/
LibreELEC:~ # lsb_release -a
LibreELEC (community): nightly-20230219-ebf3c2e
This is how you can duplicate this bug, hopefully.
Just let LibreELEC idle. The screen monitor will dim a little. Then you only need to hit a button (any) and after profile prompt will appear asking you to choose a user profile.
This is happening every time Kodi goes inactive and the monitor screen dims. Sometimes happens when I am listening to some songs over streaming addons like Radio Paradise
Here is some logging: http://ix.io/4oBX
Hope it helps.
Is there any else having this issue?
Please, let me know.