It may be better if I write it here, that info could be of use for others, too. Since I allready have it documented for my use, here it goes. When finished, you will have EPG for all programs, and be able to record and schedule them normally via TVH.
There are two completely separate tasks here.
1) create EPG data and save it to guide.xml. If you did that on a separate computer (not the one where TVH is), copy the guide.xml to RPi where TVH is.
2) make RPi TVH use this EPG data.
step 1: use WebGrab+ to create EPG data in guide.xml
In this thread is a WebGrab+ Addon which works perfectly (I have RPi LE7 TVH4.0.9). Thanks to the authors! Also, you can install WebGrab+ in Win computer and make guide.xml there. This part is simple. Currently, I have one WebGrab+ in Win7, another in one RPI, while TVH is in a second RPi. Configure it and run it! Names of your programs must be the same in WebGrab++.config.xml (twice at end of each row) and TVH. If on Win, schedule it at e.g 3:00 daily.
If you generated guide.xml on RPi where TVH is, this step is done. Go to Step 2.
As I do it at another machines, when finished, I copy guide.xml to the RPi where TVH is using scp at RPi where TVH is (ssh must be fully configured prior to this or add pwd to the command):
# copy from the network disk:
scp [email protected]:/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/Public/qWindows7/guide.xml /storage/guide.xml
# copy from another RPi
scp [email protected]:/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.webgrabplus/guide.xml /storage/guide.xml
In my case, this command is in cron (at 5:15 daily) run script at my RPi where TVH is installed. Obviously, scp needs to be adjusted for others.
step 2: Make TVH use EPG data in guide.xml
How to make TVH use this EPG data? Could not be simpler once you know what nees to be done. At RPi with TVH edit file (.kodi is hidden so make sure you can see it)
where you will find lines:
<setting id="XMLTV_LOCATION_FILE" value="" />
<setting id="XMLTV_TYPE" value="NONE" />
Change them to:
<setting id="XMLTV_TYPE" value="FILE" />
<setting id="XMLTV_LOCATION_FILE" value="/storage/guide.xml" />
This is what I do since I copy the guide.xml from either server network disk or from the second RPi to the RPi with TVH.
If you run Addon at the same RPi with TVH, this second line should be (I did not try this):
<setting id="XMLTV_LOCATION_FILE" value="/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.webgrabplus/guide.xml" />
Now verify all is working well! From RPi where TVH is, just run the command:
If all is working well, you should see epg data echoed to the screen. OK: all is working! If not, something is wrong. Find it and fix it!!!
Reboot RPi with TvHeadEnd, connect onto it with your browser and select the new internal grabber: "XMLTV: tv_grab": Configuration -> Channel / EPG -> EPG grabber -> Internal Grabber -> Module "XMLTV: tv_grab" and save that.
For all programs whose names match, at Channels tab you should see EPG source populated with XMLTV ... tags. Each Kodi will need to be told to delete programs (and therefore reread them) or delete (and reread) just the EPG data to show new data.
Anything more?