Posts by Protocol Zero

    Well I appreciate all you've done to help! It's truly more than I expected! One thing I did learn by accident is that using CEC controls actually controls LE very well (I accidentally sat on the TV remote and noticed it moved the menu lol) so I do have an alternative that wont cause me to invest anything else! So I'll be content while this (hopefully, maybe?) gets worked on more down the line!

    Thanks again for even trying! The service here is second to none!

    That is definitely an improvement! It's a lot closer to normal than it was! I just moved around menus for about 10 minutes trying to see any patterns that occurred. There wasn't a single double-action that occurred, no matter how slowly or quickly I pressed any button. However the same issue as before was still present, just a little better. Originally in LE9.0.1 if I pressed any single button 5 times quickly, it would move twice, pause, and then jump somewhere between 2-4 spaces. Now if I press a button 5 times quickly it will move three places, then pause and jump ahead. However, I have to press the buttons very fast now, where as before it was just anything moderately fast. So we are definitely a lot closer than before! I'm not sure how easy it is to compile an update to tweak one driver, but I sincerely do appreciate you putting in all this work!

    I will gladly test anything else you need, the rPi that I bought didn't exactly have a purpose in my house, I just wanted to play with it, so this is absolutely no issue for me at all!

    I'm so sorry, I misunderstood that part! I'll include the revised results to test two and three now:


    Test Two - Xbox Remote 1.txt

    Test Two - Xbox Remote 2.txt

    Test Two - Xbox Remote 3.txt


    I didn't even know the MCE Receiver could receive the signal from the Xbox DVD remote. The one thing I did notice though, on the MCE Receiver if I'm using the MCE remote that came with it, if I hold down a button for 2 seconds, the light on the receiver will stay lit until I let the button go. However, if I use the Xbox DVD remote and I press a button, the light will only stay lit for about 1 full second and then the light turns off. I'm not sure why this is or if it affects the test in any way, just thought you should know!

    Sorry for the delay, but I've completed all the tests! I ran all the tests on my Raspberry Pi that has a clean untouched install of LE9.0.1


    Test One.txt


    Test Two - 1.txt

    Test Two - 2.txt

    Test Two - 3.txt


    The only issue I had was when I ran the command "ir-ctl -t 200000 -r1.txt" nothing appeared to happen. I know it was supposed to export the data to a file named "1.txt" but it either didn't do it or I could not find the file. I was using Putty to do this. So instead, I just ran the code "ir-ctl -t 200000 -r" and copied all the data from the log into a text file. I hope that's acceptable and works!

    Please let me know if you need anything else!

    Alright! Sorry for the delay, I had a small electrical emergency in my house! I ran the code on two device, both are running LE9.0.1. The first is an HTPC using the MCE USB Receiver, and the second is a Raspberry Pi running the Xbox DVD dongle. I'll put the outputs below.

    HTPC:~ # ir-keytable
    Found /sys/class/rc/rc0/ (/dev/input/event10) with:
            Name: Media Center Ed. eHome Infrared Remote Transceiver (1934:5168)
            Driver: mceusb, table: rc-rc6-mce
            lirc device: /dev/lirc0
            Supported protocols: other lirc rc-5 rc-5-sz jvc sony nec sanyo mce_kbd rc-6 sharp xmp
            Enabled protocols: lirc nec rc-6
            bus: 3, vendor/product: 1934:5168, version: 0x0001
            Repeat delay = 500 ms, repeat period = 125 ms

    Then on the Raspberry Pi:

    RPi:~ # ir-keytable
    Found /sys/class/rc/rc0/ (/dev/input/event0) with:
            Name: Xbox DVD USB Remote Control(045e,0284)
            Driver: xbox_remote, table: rc-xbox-dvd
            lirc device: /dev/lirc0
            Supported protocols: unknown
            Enabled protocols: unknown
            bus: 3, vendor/product: 045e:0284, version: 0x000a
            Repeat delay = 500 ms, repeat period = 125 ms

    I hope this helps! I'll gladly help in any other way that I can!

    HiassofT Wow, that was very informative, thank you! I had no idea it was so much work for this one specific thing! At this point, after so much work has been done, would it better to keep waiting and helping (in anyway that I or someone else can) so all this work wasn't wasted, or would it be better to just upgrade the IR hardware that I (or maybe others) have? In my other installs in my house I have an MCE remote with USB receiver for one and a flirc with a harmony remote with the other, and those work flawlessly in LE9.x. I am more than happy to be patient, I'm just a little confused on what's happening at this point. Is it something that might get better in time, or is it at a complete dead end and will not get worked on anymore?

    Thank you so much!

    HiassofT Thank you so much for taking the time to explain that! I did read up on the changes that happened from LE8 to LE9, but a lot of it went over my head honestly. Was there a particular reason the system was changed so drastically within the IR devices? On a fresh install of LE8 the Xbox DVD controls exactly the same way, but is fixable with some file edits, so I'm just curious why it doesn't work the same way in LE9?

    I'm very sorry for all the questions, I'm just trying my best to stay on top of this, and I really do appreciate your time and effort!

    HiassofT is there a file somewhere that can be edited? I followed those two pages and tried to find a drivers deep in my install and tried to find config files somewhere, but I couldn't. I don't mean a fix or solution, but at least the file I can create or edit that can alter the response time? I'm thinking maybe you don't want to disclose this information because you don't want people editing system files, I've just always been a "do it yourself" kind of person over a "wait for someone else to do it". I do understand if you can't or wont share the files in question, but I also wonder if I can copy the file in question into the .config folder to edit safely? Since I likely have much much more free time than you busy programmers!

    Thanks so much for your help!

    Meganiekje I have no idea what can edit the power-on button. I've never really shut down my installs before, so I've never needed to power on any of my devices, I've always just left them on. I'm sorry I can't help anymore.

    So after lots of trials and errors, and installing LE multiple times to confirm it's not a bad install, I'm still having the same issue. Yes the device does technically work out of the box like HiassofT mentioned, but it does not work well. The device is recognized and it does interpret button presses, but there are a few issues using it. Like I mentioned in my original post, if I press any button multiple times quickly, it'll register one press, pause and then rapidly trigger most of the other presses (not all of them, so it's kind of impossible to guess a reaction).

    All of this is done on a clean untouched install of LE 9.0.1 with no addons installed. Is there anything that can be done?

    Meganiekje You could try using a keymap editor and assign the key manually? I've had to do that with a few keys in the past. Not sure if that'll help though? Just thought I'd try!

    So yes, I am very much aware I'm using ancient hardware, but I want to at least try to find a way to make this work before I just give up. A little background first: I've been using the really old original Xbox DVD dongle for years, ever since I first made the move from XMBC on the Xbox to XBMC on Ubuntu. It was the hardware I had available and I just kept using it. I kept it when I moved to OpenElec and then to LibreElec. However, on both OE and LE I had to add some custom files to make it work right. It would always work, as in the buttons respond, but there was this awful lag and then rapid button reaction. (I.E. If I press left 3 times quickly, it would move left once - pause - move left about 4 spaces, always more than I pressed it). Some way smarter people than me figured out that you needed a file named "lirc.conf" in "storage/.config/" that has this:

    And it was specifically the "gap" number that needed to be adjusted for this issue. Now I'm no expert on any of this, I could absolutely be wrong, I was just following a guide that was posted on the OE forums that fixed my issue. It did also mention using lirc_xbox which the wiki mentioned was not added to LE 9.x so maybe that's an issue as well?

    The problem I'm having now, is using the file above, I'm able to use this remote on LE 8.x without an issue, but when I move to LE 9.x I start having that same lag and rapid button press reaction again. Only now I have no idea what to do or how to fix it. The remote does technically work and all buttons are recognized and doing the proper command, but how do I stop the rapid button press issue?

    Thank you to anyone who can help me, and I am very sorry for wasting any time on ancient hardware!


    I actually just solved the issue, I plugged the older laptop back into the TV to see what the settings said, and it turns out apparently my TV refresh rate needed to be set to 30.00, so I ran the following code

    echo "#!/bin/sh" > /storage/.config/
    echo "xrandr --output LVDS1 --off && xrandr --output HDMI1 --mode 1920x1080 --rate 30.00" >> /storage/.config/

    And now everything works! That code just disables the laptop screen's completely and displays only on the TV. So sorry for wasting anyone's time!


    I've been using LibreELEC for a while now, OpenELEC before that, and the entire time I had this old Toshiba laptop connected to an even older plasma TV. I'm not sure if it was luck or not, but I had no issues setting that up, when I plugged in the laptop via HDMI to the TV, it just worked perfectly. The issue I ran into was the laptop couldn't handle playing 1080p videos. I was just dealing with it and finding 720 videos to play, but then I acquired a Lenovo laptop from someone who upgraded and didn't want it anymore. I installed LE on it and everything was fine.. until I connected it to the TV. The video was stuck in the laptop's resolution and in the upper left hand corner of the TV.

    I began searching the issue and saw several posts about it, and started trying the solutions. Some mentioned to go into the Kodi-system-display settings and activating "blank other displays" and then setting the output device to HDMI1 and when I try that, the TV screen blanks and I have to reboot the laptop to get the video back.

    I saw a post that suggested I run these codes in SSH:

    echo "#!/bin/sh" > /storage/.config/
    echo "xrandr --output LVDS1 --off && xrandr --output HDMI1 --mode 1920x1080 --rate 60.00" >> /storage/.config/

    and when I do that and reboot, both screens are just blank. I have to delete the file to get the video back. Also, I had to adjust the refresh rate, because I don't think my TV is at 60, I set it to 50 just to see if that would have any effect, and it did not. I *think* it was set to 59 on my old system.

    I tried to run this code as well

    echo "#!/bin/sh" > /storage/.config/
    echo "xrandr --output HDMI1 --mode 1920x1080 --rate 60.00" >> /storage/.config/

    just to see if I could adjust the HDMI resolution without blanking the laptop (so I could still see one screen if the other didn't work) and that didn't change anything at all.

    Just in case any of this helps, I ran some codes to hopefully provide you with any information that you might need:



    I know this is probably a really dated question, and I'm sorry if it's been answered, I just couldn't find a solution! Would it have mattered that I did not have the laptop connected to the TV when I initially installed LE? Thank you for any help you can provide!

    Oh yeah, I was trying to SSH into the box the entire time, but I think the issue was I had done a fresh install and I don't think SSH was enabled. After I posted I saw another thread that said something like 1 our of 20 boot attempts it will actually boot all the way in, so I just sat there rebooting over and over again until FINALLY it booted all the way to the system! Then I ran this command:

     touch /storage/.config/udev.rules.d/96-nvidia.rules

    I didn't need to run the first one because that file didn't exist, and now everything seems to be ok! Before I ran that code, I tried rebooting a few times, and it really did seem like every 5th boot made it in, but after I ran that command it boots every time! I enabled SSH, so hopefully now if I get stuck again later because of an update or such, I should be able to easily get around it.

    Thanks though, for your help, and everything you do!

    I've had LibreElec installed and running for a while now, on several machines. I recently updated one of my PC's in my house and had this AMD Radeon HD 4850 graphics card just left over, and I thought that would be great to get some 1080p files to play on this one particular PC I have LibreElec installed on (it had a generic $20 HDMI out graphics card and chugged at 1080p files). Then my troubles began. Through searching this forum for hours, I found a few threads with very similar issues, and I found one particular thread that suggested that I could just do these two simple steps, it may fix my problem, two command line prompts:

    rm /storage/.config/udev.rules.d/97-xorg.rules
    touch /storage/.config/udev.rules.d/96-nvidia.rules

    However, where I'm stuck, my system is stuck at a screen that says:

    LibreELEC (official): 8.2.5
    [FAILED] Faled to start Xorg Server.
    See 'systemctl status xorg.service' for details.
    [DEPEND] Dependency failed for Fluxbox Window Manager.
    [  OK  ] Reached target Graphical Interface.
             Starting intel switch to full range...
    [  OK  ] Started intel switch to full range.
             Starting Kodi Media Center...
    [  OK  ] Started Kodi Media Center.
    [  OK  ] Reached target Kodi Meidacenter Interface.

    And it's just frozen. I tried initially just to install the card into the already configured LibreElec install, and then I tried a fresh install, and same effect. I've tried rebooting several times and get the same effect. Coincidentally, I notice that when I first boot the PC now, I get the normal startup text on the screen (telling me about the BIOS info, what drives it detects, etc), and then the screen blanks for a minute, and my TV says no source for a second before the LibreElec logo shows, and the above message appears.

    How exactly do I execute the commands to disable the nvidia udev rule if I can't actually get into the machine?

    Thank you for reading!

    A lot of older hardware lost support in newer versions of OE and LE. Maybe your Wireless USB dongle is no longer supported. You would have to check with a developer if that's the case.

    The XBox 360 was first released in 2005 according to wiki

    Xbox 360 - Wikipedia

    I would completely understand if that were the case for this particular installation, but my other HTPC that I'm having the exact same issue with, is a much much more modern system, the mobo was built in late 2016.

    I'm not sure if this matters, but neither of these systems are pure LE installs, they had OE installed since OE was still on Frodo, and I switched from OE to LE via manual upgrade to get to the current version between Jarvis and Krypton (I think lol).

    When I search the forum and google in general, I've seen other posts from people saying the same thing as me, but most of those posts were never replied to. Based on the PS3 controller just working, and I can't get any response from the Xbox controllers, I'm guessing that the dongle isn't being recognized. I just don't know how to confirm that.

    Does the wireless USB Receiver (dongle) have an LED (showing power or connect status) ? You still haven't told us what PC you have Libreelec running on. Is it an Intel NUC, Raspberry Pi, or maybe a toaster oven (lol).

    The dongle does have an LED power light, that flashes for a bit when I first connect it, then stays solidly lit after a few seconds (which is supposed to indicate it's connected). And this current system (I have 3 total currently installed) is a Gateway One ZX6961-UR20P, with the following specs:

    Intel Core i3 (2nd Gen) 2100 / 3.1 GHz


    Intel H67 Express

    2GB Ram

    Nothing fancy, it was an old computer that the screen shattered, and I've had Kodi installed on it ever since. I also have a custom built PC in another room that I'm having the same issue on, but that TV currently has a SteamLink installed on it, so I can use that to play games.

    P.S. If you can get Kodi installed on a toaster, you'll be my hero!