[SOLVED] Failed to start Xorg Server help

  • I've had LibreElec installed and running for a while now, on several machines. I recently updated one of my PC's in my house and had this AMD Radeon HD 4850 graphics card just left over, and I thought that would be great to get some 1080p files to play on this one particular PC I have LibreElec installed on (it had a generic $20 HDMI out graphics card and chugged at 1080p files). Then my troubles began. Through searching this forum for hours, I found a few threads with very similar issues, and I found one particular thread that suggested that I could just do these two simple steps, it may fix my problem, two command line prompts:

    rm /storage/.config/udev.rules.d/97-xorg.rules
    touch /storage/.config/udev.rules.d/96-nvidia.rules

    However, where I'm stuck, my system is stuck at a screen that says:

    LibreELEC (official): 8.2.5
    [FAILED] Faled to start Xorg Server.
    See 'systemctl status xorg.service' for details.
    [DEPEND] Dependency failed for Fluxbox Window Manager.
    [  OK  ] Reached target Graphical Interface.
             Starting intel switch to full range...
    [  OK  ] Started intel switch to full range.
             Starting Kodi Media Center...
    [  OK  ] Started Kodi Media Center.
    [  OK  ] Reached target Kodi Meidacenter Interface.

    And it's just frozen. I tried initially just to install the card into the already configured LibreElec install, and then I tried a fresh install, and same effect. I've tried rebooting several times and get the same effect. Coincidentally, I notice that when I first boot the PC now, I get the normal startup text on the screen (telling me about the BIOS info, what drives it detects, etc), and then the screen blanks for a minute, and my TV says no source for a second before the LibreElec logo shows, and the above message appears.

    How exactly do I execute the commands to disable the nvidia udev rule if I can't actually get into the machine?

    Thank you for reading!

  • In most "my box froze" reports the actual issue is bad config or (more common) missing drivers) so after the boot messages Xorg doesn't run and thus nothing updates the screen with the Kodi splash or home-screen (hence the appearance of freezing). In 9/10 cases the OS is still running fine and you can SSH in to poke around. So are you sure you cannot get in?

  • Oh yeah, I was trying to SSH into the box the entire time, but I think the issue was I had done a fresh install and I don't think SSH was enabled. After I posted I saw another thread that said something like 1 our of 20 boot attempts it will actually boot all the way in, so I just sat there rebooting over and over again until FINALLY it booted all the way to the system! Then I ran this command:

     touch /storage/.config/udev.rules.d/96-nvidia.rules

    I didn't need to run the first one because that file didn't exist, and now everything seems to be ok! Before I ran that code, I tried rebooting a few times, and it really did seem like every 5th boot made it in, but after I ran that command it boots every time! I enabled SSH, so hopefully now if I get stuck again later because of an update or such, I should be able to easily get around it.

    Thanks though, for your help, and everything you do!