you can activate it manually , edit guisettings.xml.
Code<setting id="audiooutput.passthrough">true</setting> <setting id="audiooutput.passthroughdevice">ALSA:hdmi:CARD=HDMI,DEV=0</setting> <setting id="audiooutput.ac3passthrough" default="true">true</setting> <setting id="audiooutput.ac3transcode" default="true">false</setting> <setting id="audiooutput.eac3passthrough">true</setting> <setting id="audiooutput.dtspassthrough">true</setting> <setting id="audiooutput.truehdpassthrough">true</setting> <setting id="audiooutput.dtshdpassthrough">true</setting> <setting id="audiooutput.dtshdcorefallback" default="true">true</setting>
So there are GUI settings that don't function, but the underlying ability is there if you manually edit files?
Why not just enable to GUI settings to edit those file. Isn't that the whole point of a GUI?
Well damn, I guess I'll have to go to a different computer. Maybe a Orange pi, or a Raspberry pi when they become more available.
I got a N2+ off ebay, and switched to CoreElec. Pity the Rock64 never got any real love.