Posts by Saxnot
Hi Irusak,
thank you for this command. I also use the xbox one controller (Rev. 3). With your command I get the controller connected via bluetooth. But after a restart those "input/output errors" come again. Is there a way to get it working durable?
Thanks for your answer! I deinstalled iptv simple and installed Tvheadend htsp client.
At least I receive a system sound. But there are still no channels.
Is there a debug option, in order to test, wether the Cine s2 is recognized by Tvheadend?
Do I have to initiate the channel scan?
you have to config tvheadend-server: Tvheadend - Official Kodi Wiki
hrgs, I think the 8.1.0 image I made with DD drivers worked ?
Btw you could use "Latest Kernel Driver" this should work too.
I think the DD drivers are somehow wrongly build, have to investigate.
Sorry for my late answer. Yes, your 8.1.0-DD-image works.
Yes again, your 8.1.1 image with activated "DVB drivers from latest kernel" works also. After updating from your 8.1.0-DD-image, I just had to go to the tvheadend-configuration (Configuration -> DVB Inputs -> TV adapters) and acitivate the tuners and set the networks to my existing ones (just for those who also want to update).
Big Thanks, CvH!
pls provide a dmesg | paste , did you tried the media_build drivers addon as well ?
What DD card is it ?
I also tried your new build LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-8.1.1-dvb-1.0.img.gz and activated "DVB drivers for DigiatalDevices Cards". No tuners found after restart. I have a Digital Devices Cine C/T V6. Here is the dmesg:
Will the "Full Spectrum - DD Max S8 " card be supported?
JohnBoyz @OnbedkendHH
CvH released LE8.0.1 with DD support: LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-8.0.1-digital_devices.img.gz
It works with my DD-Card. I can't say if it does with yours.Thank you, CvH
I also own an WeTek OpenELEC. I tried to install . I got the error on the boot splash:
After that I also added those two lines calex71 mentioned, so the file factory_update_param.aml containes:
I tried again, and the installation works fine. Thanks for the hint.
I use the Cine CT V6 with Lattice ECP3 Chip. Tuners are shown as STV0367.LE 7.95.1 Kodi 17RC3 with ddbridge works also fine on my Digital Devices Cine C/T V6! Thank you very much!
...Do you have any solution or idea what the problem is?You can downgrade to LibreELEC (Krypton) v7.90.009 ALPHA. For more information about the problem see here: LibreELEC
For LE 7.02 or the soon coming Beta use CvH's images. They are linked in the first post.
okay, thank you for your help!
could you post a log from 009 too ?form 009: JNMT
Code[ 8.073958] Digital Devices PCIE bridge driver 0.9.23, Copyright (C) 2010-15 Digital Devices GmbH [ 8.080738] DDBridge driver detected: Digital Devices DVBCT V6.1 DVB adapter [ 8.080755] DDBridge: HW 0001000d REGMAP 00010004 [ 8.088069] Port 0: Link 0, Link Port 0 (TAB 1): DUAL DVB-C/T [ 8.089092] Port 1: Link 0, Link Port 1 (TAB 2): NO MODULE [ 8.090115] Port 2: Link 0, Link Port 2 (TAB 3): NO MODULE [ 8.090647] 0 netstream channels [ 8.090650] DVB: registering new adapter (DDBridge) [ 8.090651] DVB: registering new adapter (DDBridge)
Display MoreHTPC:~ # ls -l /dev/dvb/adapter* /dev/dvb/adapter0: total 0 crw-rw---- 1 root video 212, 4 Jan 2 21:02 demux0 crw-rw---- 1 root video 212, 5 Jan 2 21:02 dvr0 crw-rw---- 1 root video 212, 3 Jan 2 21:02 frontend0 crw-rw---- 1 root video 212, 7 Jan 2 21:02 net0 /dev/dvb/adapter1: total 0 crw-rw---- 1 root video 212, 68 Jan 2 21:02 demux0 crw-rw---- 1 root video 212, 69 Jan 2 21:02 dvr0 crw-rw---- 1 root video 212, 67 Jan 2 21:02 frontend0 crw-rw---- 1 root video 212, 71 Jan 2 21:02 net0
could you post a full dmesg | paste ?Of course: jdIc
Today I upgraded to LE v7.90.010 ALPHA. After that, my DD Cine CT V6 don't works.
Back to v7.90.009 ALPHA it worked again. Did I something wrong, or is this TV-Tuner not supported in the offical releases anymore? Thanks!
@libbelle: did you upgrade to iOS 10? When you did, can you try another device (PC, Router, Android-Phone...) for waking up LE?
Maybe it's the problem with iOS 10, which is described here (Wake on lan problem) -
I haven't build a version for LE8 yet because it is still a moving target (I start as soon we hit beta/near to this). But you can try to update to latest LE 7.90.006 because an "homemade" DD patch was added (no guarantee that this patch made it to the final version) which support some DD cards ootb.
Yes, my Digital Devices Cine C/T V6 works out of the box with LE 7.90.006! Thanks!
Some additonal info: On LibreELEC (Krypton) v7.90.006 ALPHA my Digital Devices Cine CT V6 now works out of the box. Thanks for that!
next try1.41
only digital devices manufacturer should be workingLooks great! Adapters are found. I'm now offline for some hours. I will give you more feedback later!
Edit: It works well. Thank your very much! I sent you a beer (or two
), Prost!
thankfully mmajoor had an idea how to make it work - at least it is working for him - maybe for you too
pls have a look if testimages is working (you have to re-set you driver at the settings addon)sorry, no success. I tried both drivers (digital devices and digital devices manufacturer) after clean installs.