Posts by toml

    It could still be a Linux thing... When I unmount & eject an external USB casing with a HDD, there is a type of "double" shutdown: suspend (=spindown) plus a subsequent power down (=spin up + instant spin down). There is no 'squeaky noise' though (with me it involves a WD hdd).

    ok, so you see the 2nd "wake up" as well with your USB connected HDD when you unmount&eject drive. I'm prone to admit the root cause of that squeaky sound is that Seagate drive I bought. I'll try again with that old 2.5" drive I have (WD). I tried only once and it felt similar, but I may be wrong and it wasn't that bad as it was one rush attempt only.

    if that double shutdown of the drive can be somehow avoided, it would be great, but I can live with it I guess. I anyway want it to run 24x7 as regular NAS, and I have power outages at home only rarely, like 3 times a year, so I guess I don't need to worry.

    I think I know what's going on. when I connect the drive via USB to my laptop, it normally goes off (spins down) after a period of time. then it spins up when it's accessed. Same behavior the drive shows when plugged in HC4. spins down when not used and again spins up when it's accessed. all good as far.

    when I unmount the drive in windows or in libreelec, the drive spins down and turns itself off. without any stupid sounds.

    however the difference is in shutdown and reboot.

    when I shutdown or reboot my laptop with drive connected via USB, it spins down and that's it.

    when I do this with HC4, there is this LE shutdown sequence, drive spins down, then suddenly spins up and then the power is cut or HC4 reboots and that's when that squeak sound appear.

    no idea what's going on during this shutdown sequence but I'll bet my pants that it wakes up the drive again just before it goes off or reboots.

    I don't know what happens during this shutdown sequence, but if you tell me what logs to check and how to turn on debug logging, I will and I can paste the logs here.

    I don't think you'll get dev support for this, because it's a rare issue, and you didn't named your NAS. We are usually pretty precise on this forum.

    Search for an option to program a short suspend time from another OS (look at the Seagate download page). A suspend mode can stop rotation (spin-down), and no proper heads parking will be necessary.

    Good suggestion. I'll try to search internet for any options to change those options of hard drives in Linux and will come back if I find out anything. if I don't find anything, I guess I'll have to accept the risk that the drives will fail one day.
    And I use HC4 as my NAS. people buy regular NAS boxes to server as home NAS and additionally they use PLEX and other multimedia plugins to emulate HTPC. so I went cheaper way. I bought HC4 as my low cost home NAS and except that the source for DVB-T tuner streaming to home NW.

    Yes... and no, it's a simple observation. The chances of someone here having the exact same Seagate NAS device setup are rather slim. The parking of HDD heads is a hardware thing, and should only involve the HDD's own firmware. If "outside software" could make the parking of the heads of a HDD go bad in anyway, that would actually be a security/data risk and not only a major foolproof problem.

    Have you googled for 'squeaky noises on parking hdd disks" already? Also, even fresh new HDDs can have problems. I got my disks at the store, so they wouldn't be "manhandled" by the transportation services of the likes of DHL and UPS.

    Sorry I was irritated, but it doesn't seem funny from my end to possibly lose my data if there might be a solution that could prevent it. I'm not Linux guy, I'm Windows guy. I know that Linux is heavily manually customizable in regards to HW. that's why I asked if some Linux expert here isn't aware of any option in Linux, something like "don't do anything unless you get confirmation from drive that it successfully parked its heads". that's all. I know I supposed to buy regular NAS to have kind of disaster proof solution to store personal data, but I chose cheaper HC4 option to have simple home NAS and combine it with KODI, to even save energy.


    I've never been at your home, so that answer is a simple no.

    this supposed to be fun? ok...

    I'm sure the drive is ok. it's not happening in regular PC (and no, I'm not looking for another pseudofun comment that then I suppose to put it there). in fact I did more reboots and shutdowns and I see that during shutdowns it happens only rarely, but it always happens during reboot. so it must be the fact that the heads aren't parked before the power is cut to the drive. same happens on HC4 with one spare 2.5" drive I have and tested it.

    now I don't know if you're developer or just person trying to be fun on the forum, but I asked people who are developing this image for HC4, if they may check in underlaying Linux core if all is alright with drive management or if there are any suggestions I should try to solve the behavior on my end.

    Hi, I've got HC4 (and I'm using LE image for HC4) recently and I noticed ugly HDD squeak when I reboot HC4 or shut it down. It is like the HDD heads aren't parked properly before the power is cut to the HDD. has someone else noticed it either? it's fresh new NAS version of Seagate.

    how can I fix that before I lose the drive to some failure? /shrug

    is it possible to make the media on the attached usb readonly? either media files only or whole content. preferably for kodi only so externally writable. or some kind of readonly on/off switch.

    Hi, I'm using LE box as home server, some file sharing, I also use HTSP client on my mobile to watch live tv from DVB-T tuner attached, so basically I don't want LE box to be turned off at all.

    I wonder if there is some way to assign custom script or function to power button. only thing it should do is stop all playback and turn hdmi output off (alternatively turn on black screen screensaver). on another power button push it should resume the playback (preferably TV stream as when you turn on the kodi from suspend).

    at the moment I stop playback and turn off TV, and then girlfriend complains that in the morning she first turn it off and then she has to turn it on. for me it would be also more convenient.

    the thing is your speakers should autoconnect, when paired, and with bluetooth audio switcher addon should switch output from alsa to pulse. I had noname headphones (bt4) that autoconnected to LE, using usb bt2.1 dongle. Now I upgraded headphones to sony bt5 and even they are paired, they won't autocnnect. I don't understand logic behind this autoconnect of bt device and if I should or could do anything to fix this. Same as you, I need to connect manually first, then output is switched by bt audio switcher addon.

    Hi, I have specific thoughts and did want to test them. I came across interresting article dealing with running headless virtualbox in docker container, which would run virtual machine and one would just log in with RDP cappability of virtualbox to the running virtual machine. So I was going through steps of the article built up container. however there is this particular step, where one needs to copy virtualbox drivers to host and install them there with a virtualbox script. I understand and I already know what you tell me, that libreelec is supposedly like this.

    step 6: I got message that /usr/lib and /usr/share are R/O, is there a way to get the /usr/lib/virtualbox and usr/share/virtualbox from container to host?

    step 9: shell script that installs virtualbox drivers at host won't run.

    VirtualBox Meets Docker | CB Technologies

    I know that you want to create stable version of libreelec, but I'd really appreciate some unsupported version of libreelec that would contain package manager, "unlocked" system folders and so on. ubuntu, lubuntu and everything else isn't solution for me, I need as thin as possible installation. some compromise was kodibuntu they stopped developing and I can't even find any working ISO.

    I have beefy HTPC. I wonder if it's possible to install some virtualization hypervisor (e.g. KVM) as well as any type of NAS/NFS for file sharing over local network on Libreelec, so I don't need to add another machine or buying standalone NAS that can do that, or should I consider some Linux distro and install Kodi, KVM, NFS server...


    Hello, I read few threads and searched internet for similar issue, but none of the solutions, if existed, helped.

    My issue is: I have got "noname" ConnectIT BT headphones, I have got Hama BT USB dongle and ACER REVO RL70 (AMD Zacate version).

    With this setup, the sound in BT headphones is delayed/lags. even the GUI sounds lags, it seems to me like every GUI sound is sent to BT headphones separately.

    Then when I run some music video, or movie, the sound is delayed. It catches up eventually (in few minutes), but after each pause/rewind/fast forward the lag is there.

    I turned off the REVO's builtin WIFI, I removed WIFI USB dongle of my keyboard kit, most common issues I saw people had, but the lag is still there.

    Anyone having same issue? Anyone not having same issue? Please state your exact config.

    To point out, I don't believe that headphones are the culprit, as with Android TV box (BT builtin) it works flawlessly.

    BTW, Is it ok, that after pairing of BT headphones everything in the BT list (in LibreElec options) doubles?
