This is the log:
09:47:02.331 T:140308470580992 DEBUG: LIRC: - NEW 67 0 KEY_UP devinput (KEY_UP)
09:47:02.335 T:140308478978176 DEBUG: HandleKey: 166 (0xa6, obc89) pressed, action is Up
09:47:02.336 T:140308384294656 INFO: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - initialize sink
09:47:02.336 T:140308384294656 DEBUG: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - trying to open device ALSA:@:CARD=MID,DEV=0
09:47:02.336 T:140308384294656 INFO: CAESinkALSA::Initialize - Attempting to open device "@:CARD=MID,DEV=0"
09:47:02.345 T:140308384294656 INFO: CAESinkALSA::Initialize - Opened device "sysdefault:CARD=MID"
09:47:02.345 T:140308384294656 INFO: CAESinkALSA::InitializeHW - Your hardware does not support AE_FMT_FLOAT, trying other formats
09:47:02.345 T:140308384294656 INFO: CAESinkALSA::InitializeHW - Using data format AE_FMT_S32NE
09:47:02.345 T:140308384294656 DEBUG: CAESinkALSA::InitializeHW - Request: periodSize 1024, bufferSize 9600
09:47:02.345 T:140308384294656 DEBUG: CAESinkALSA::InitializeHW - Got: periodSize 1024, bufferSize 9216
09:47:02.345 T:140308384294656 DEBUG: CAESinkALSA::InitializeHW - Setting timeout to 192 ms
09:47:02.345 T:140308384294656 DEBUG: CAESinkALSA::GetChannelLayout - Input Channel Count: 2 Output Channel Count: 2
09:47:02.345 T:140308384294656 DEBUG: CAESinkALSA::GetChannelLayout - Requested Layout: FL, FR
09:47:02.345 T:140308384294656 DEBUG: CAESinkALSA::GetChannelLayout - Got Layout: FL, FR (ALSA: FL FR)
09:47:02.345 T:140308384294656 DEBUG: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - ALSA Initialized:
09:47:02.345 T:140308384294656 DEBUG: Output Device : HDA Intel MID
09:47:02.345 T:140308384294656 DEBUG: Sample Rate : 48000
09:47:02.346 T:140308384294656 DEBUG: Sample Format : AE_FMT_S32NE
09:47:02.346 T:140308384294656 DEBUG: Channel Count : 2
09:47:02.346 T:140308384294656 DEBUG: Channel Layout: FL, FR
09:47:02.346 T:140308384294656 DEBUG: Frames : 1024
09:47:02.346 T:140308384294656 DEBUG: Frame Size : 8
09:47:02.901 T:140308470580992 DEBUG: LIRC: - NEW 67 0 KEY_UP devinput (KEY_UP)
09:47:02.902 T:140308478978176 DEBUG: HandleKey: 166 (0xa6, obc89) pressed, action is Up
09:47:05.538 T:140308470580992 DEBUG: LIRC: - NEW 185 0 KEY_DVD devinput (KEY_DVD)
09:47:05.540 T:140308478978176 DEBUG: HandleKey: 247 (0xf7, obc8) pressed, action is ContextMenu
09:47:07.310 T:140308470580992 DEBUG: LIRC: - NEW 16d 0 KEY_EPG devinput (KEY_EPG)
09:47:07.330 T:140308478978176 DEBUG: HandleKey: two (0x32) pressed, action is ActivateWindow(TVGuide)
09:47:07.330 T:140308478978176 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10702
09:47:07.332 T:140308478978176 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogConfirm.xml) ------
09:47:07.332 T:140308478978176 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogConfirm.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY
09:47:08.746 T:140308470580992 DEBUG: LIRC: - NEW 160 0 KEY_OK devinput (KEY_OK)
09:47:08.761 T:140308478978176 DEBUG: HandleKey: 11 (0x0b, obc244) pressed, action is Select
09:47:09.000 T:140308478978176 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogConfirm.xml) ------
09:47:09.919 T:140308470580992 DEBUG: LIRC: - NEW 185 0 KEY_DVD devinput (KEY_DVD)
09:47:09.920 T:140308478978176 DEBUG: HandleKey: 247 (0xf7, obc8) pressed, action is ContextMenu
09:47:10.448 T:140308470580992 DEBUG: LIRC: - NEW 185 0 KEY_DVD devinput (KEY_DVD)
09:47:10.477 T:140308478978176 DEBUG: HandleKey: 247 (0xf7, obc8) pressed, action is ContextMenu
09:47:11.895 T:140308470580992 DEBUG: LIRC: - NEW 160 0 KEY_OK devinput (KEY_OK)
09:47:11.930 T:140308478978176 DEBUG: HandleKey: 11 (0x0b, obc244) pressed, action is Select
09:47:11.931 T:140307563792128 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
09:47:11.931 T:140307563792128 INFO: initializing python engine.
09:47:11.931 T:140307563792128 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(3, /usr/bin/ start processing
09:47:11.947 T:140307563792128 DEBUG: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
09:47:11.947 T:140307563792128 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(3, /usr/bin/ the source file to load is "/usr/bin/"
09:47:11.947 T:140307563792128 WARNING: CPythonInvoker(3): Script invoked without an addon. Adding all addon modules installed to python path as fallback. This behaviour will be removed in future version.
09:47:11.948 T:140307563792128 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(3, /usr/bin/ setting the Python path to /usr/bin:/usr/share/kodi/addons/http://script.module.pil/lib:/usr/share…ackages/gtk-2.0
09:47:11.948 T:140307563792128 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(3, /usr/bin/ entering source directory /usr/bin
09:47:11.978 T:140307563792128 INFO: CPythonInvoker(3, /usr/bin/ script successfully run
09:47:11.978 T:140307563792128 DEBUG: onExecutionDone(3, /usr/bin/
09:47:11.981 T:140307563792128 INFO: Python interpreter stopped
09:47:11.981 T:140307563792128 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 140307563792128 terminating
09:47:12.002 T:140307563792128 DEBUG: Thread POSIX signal handler start, auto delete: true
09:47:12.002 T:140307563792128 DEBUG: Thread POSIX signal handler 140307563792128 terminating (autodelete)
09:47:12.013 T:140308478978176 INFO: Saving exitCode 65
09:47:12.013 T:140308478978176 NOTICE: stop player
09:47:12.013 T:140308478978176 NOTICE: Storing total System Uptime
09:47:12.013 T:140308478973696 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnQuit from xbmc
09:47:12.013 T:140308478973696 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnQuit
09:47:12.013 T:140308478978176 NOTICE: Saving settings
09:47:12.020 T:140308478978176 NOTICE: Saving skin settings
09:47:12.021 T:140308478978176 NOTICE: stop all
09:47:12.021 T:140308478978176 DEBUG: NetworkMessage - Signaling network services to stop
09:47:12.021 T:140308478978176 NOTICE: ES: Stopping event server
09:47:12.523 T:140308478978176 DEBUG: CZeroconfAvahi::doRemoveService named: servers.airtunes
09:47:12.524 T:140308478978176 DEBUG: NetworkMessage - Waiting for network services to stop
09:47:12.543 T:140308478978176 NOTICE: stopping zeroconf publishing
09:47:12.947 T:140307161138944 DEBUG: Thread TCPServer 140307161138944 terminating
09:47:12.964 T:140307169531648 NOTICE: ES: UDP Event server stopped
09:47:12.964 T:140307169531648 DEBUG: Thread EventServer 140307169531648 terminating
09:47:12.964 T:140308478978176 NOTICE: stop dvd detect media
09:47:12.964 T:140308461704960 DEBUG: Thread DetectDVDMedia 140308461704960 terminating
09:47:12.964 T:140308478978176 DEBUG: CServiceAddonManager: stopping
09:47:12.964 T:140308478978176 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(1, /storage/.kodi/addons/ trigger Monitor abort request
09:47:13.071 T:140307538614016 DEBUG: [Netflix] Stopped MSL Service
09:47:13.071 T:140307538614016 DEBUG: [Netflix] Stopped HTTP Service
09:47:13.071 T:140307538614016 INFO: CPythonInvoker(1, /storage/.kodi/addons/ script successfully run
09:47:13.071 T:140307538614016 DEBUG: onExecutionDone(1, /storage/.kodi/addons/
09:47:13.084 T:140307538614016 INFO: Python interpreter interrupted by user
09:47:13.084 T:140308478978176 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(1, /storage/.kodi/addons/ script termination took 120ms
09:47:13.085 T:140308478978176 DEBUG: CServiceAddonManager: stopping
09:47:13.085 T:140307538614016 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 140307538614016 terminating
09:47:13.085 T:140308478978176 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(2, /storage/.kodi/addons/ trigger Monitor abort request
09:47:13.085 T:140307186317056 INFO: CPythonInvoker(2, /storage/.kodi/addons/ script successfully run
09:47:13.085 T:140307186317056 DEBUG: onExecutionDone(2, /storage/.kodi/addons/
09:47:13.094 T:140307186317056 INFO: Python interpreter interrupted by user
09:47:13.094 T:140308478978176 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(2, /storage/.kodi/addons/ script termination took 10ms
09:47:13.094 T:140308478978176 DEBUG: CServiceAddonManager: stopping service.libreelec.settings.
09:47:13.094 T:140307186317056 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 140307186317056 terminating
09:47:13.094 T:140308478978176 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(0, /usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/ trigger Monitor abort request
09:47:13.095 T:140306917881600 INFO: ## LibreELEC Addon ## xdbus Monitor stopped. ##
09:47:13.100 T:140307547006720 DEBUG: ## LibreELEC Addon ## STOP SERVICE DONE !
09:47:13.100 T:140307547006720 INFO: CPythonInvoker(0, /usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/ script successfully run
09:47:13.100 T:140307547006720 INFO: CPythonInvoker(0, /usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/ waiting on thread 140306909226752
09:47:13.100 T:140306909226752 INFO: ## LibreELEC Addon ## _service_::run ## MESSAGE:'exit'
09:47:13.118 T:140307127682816 INFO: ## LibreELEC Addon ## system::updateThread ## Stopped
09:47:13.200 T:140307547006720 DEBUG: onExecutionDone(0, /usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/
09:47:13.209 T:140307547006720 INFO: Python interpreter interrupted by user
09:47:13.210 T:140308478978176 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(0, /usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/ script termination took 116ms
09:47:13.210 T:140307547006720 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 140307547006720 terminating
09:47:13.210 T:140308392687360 DEBUG: Thread ActiveAE 140308392687360 terminating
09:47:13.222 T:140308384294656 DEBUG: Thread AESink 140308384294656 terminating
09:47:13.415 T:140308478978176 NOTICE: stopped
09:47:13.615 T:140308478978176 NOTICE: destroy
09:47:13.615 T:140307572184832 DEBUG: Thread PeripEventScanner 140307572184832 terminating
09:47:13.661 T:140308000335616 DEBUG: Thread PeripBusUSBUdev 140308000335616 terminating
09:47:13.661 T:140307588970240 DEBUG: Thread PeripBusCEC 140307588970240 terminating
09:47:13.661 T:140307580577536 DEBUG: Thread PeripBusAddon 140307580577536 terminating
09:47:14.119 T:140308478978176 INFO: AddOnLog: Joystick Support: Disabling joystick interface "linux"
09:47:14.119 T:140308478978176 DEBUG: SECTION:UnloadDll(/usr/lib/kodi/addons/peripheral.joystick/
09:47:14.120 T:140308478978176 INFO: ADDON: Dll Destroyed - Joystick Support
09:47:14.120 T:140308478978176 NOTICE: unload skin
09:47:14.120 T:140308478978176 INFO: Unloading old skin ...
09:47:14.122 T:140308478978176 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit () ------
09:47:14.123 T:140308478978176 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Home.xml) ------
09:47:14.123 T:140308478978176 DEBUG: FreeVisualisation() done
09:47:14.129 T:140308478978176 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
09:47:14.129 T:140308478978176 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogVolumeBar.xml) ------
09:47:14.138 T:140308478978176 INFO: XRANDR: /usr/lib/kodi/kodi-xrandr --screen 0 --output LVDS --mode 0x57
09:47:14.171 T:140308478978176 NOTICE: unload sections
09:47:14.174 T:140308478978176 DEBUG: LogindUPowerSyscall - delay lock sleep released
09:47:14.176 T:140307555399424 DEBUG: Thread Timer 140307555399424 terminating
09:47:14.181 T:140308478978176 DEBUG: object 0 --> 0 instances
09:47:14.181 T:140308478978176 DEBUG: object 1 --> 0 instances
09:47:14.181 T:140308478978176 DEBUG: object 2 --> 0 instances
09:47:14.181 T:140308478978176 DEBUG: object 3 --> 0 instances
09:47:14.181 T:140308478978176 DEBUG: object 4 --> 0 instances
09:47:14.181 T:140308478978176 DEBUG: object 5 --> 0 instances
09:47:14.181 T:140308478978176 DEBUG: object 6 --> 0 instances
09:47:14.181 T:140308478978176 DEBUG: object 7 --> 0 instances
09:47:14.181 T:140308478978176 DEBUG: object 8 --> 0 instances
09:47:14.181 T:140308478978176 DEBUG: object 9 --> 0 instances
09:47:14.187 T:140308478973696 DEBUG: Thread Announce 140308478973696 terminating
09:47:14.188 T:140308478978176 NOTICE: application stopped...
Thank you. Greetings.