Can I set SMB as a bootcommand? I get stuck before I get into the OS but it's enough for SSH to run via the bootcommand in syslinux
if you can start ssh & get the dmesg output that's probably a good start.
Can I set SMB as a bootcommand? I get stuck before I get into the OS but it's enough for SSH to run via the bootcommand in syslinux
if you can start ssh & get the dmesg output that's probably a good start.
although for odroid-h2 they claim support to 32gb with the same chip.
J4105-ITX also says 8gb.
Mistake at odroid?
J4105-ITX is basically the same(to me), but for the size... 4 i/o ports too many on the left... god...
Are there any amd based good smaller than itx boards?
Well there are but way out of "your league"
The Sapphire FS-FP5V will be orderable direct. Pricing will vary depending upon choice of soldered processor: the AMD Ryzen Embedded V1202B model is the cheapest at $325, then the V1605B at $340, then the V1756B at $390, and finally the V1807B equipped board at $450. Shipments will begin later this month.
no it doesn't start at all, back to ES immediatly
Well... it seems it was already a suggestion you made to me before because in fact I already created this file with these options, so it seems it doesn't change anything...
Hmmm okay I could solve the Nvidia issues cause I still got one of these cards in one of my systems but AMD is basically out of my reach so for now OpenGL is probably the only option. Is Dolphin completely unusable for you? Or can you at least start it and select the Vulkan backend?
i didnt even see it was put up as a listed issue on the github! thanks
however separate matter im going to guess RC1 is going to be the first one for the Pi where we're going to need to resize the boot partition to 512MB? as its the first time updating for a Pi target its given me the 512MB warning.
Well I guess because PPSSPP standalone takes his fair share. Anyway using the old 512MB partition was never something I supported officially
im looking at this one ->
But i dont know whats up with max. 8gb ram part (not that i plan on using more than that... currently)
Afaik Intel reduced the max ram size because of... reasons. My J3455-ITX supports 16GB of ram with two dimms so IMHO it's just an artifical limitation to make i3 stuff more interesting. But I wouldn't worry to much about it. RPi3s come with 1GB most S905 with 2GB and even RK3399 with 4GB so if you run this box with 8GB it's probably more than you'll ever need for some htpc & emulation stuff.
Well.. I can access SSH if that helps somehow? I'm going to try mint, Ubuntu, then dual booting with Ubuntu just as klojum, trying to install libreelec after each
does smb come up? because then you could grab the log zip in \\your-device\logfiles
Yeah, so.. last time I installed Libreelec, I had Mint running on the computer before, and if I remember correclty, installing mint wasn't without problems either.. I just can't remember what fix made it possible. But it seems like the motherboard is the problem here....
Get a recent linux Mint version & grab the dmesg output -> so we maybe can figure out what's happening behind the scenes if you can't access the log files at your LE installation
@5schatten Hm.. Can't see the pictures, however I have tried installing some older versions of libreelec and those are not working either... I'm thinking that the install I did in october worked because I already had installed Linux Mint in some wonky way (did need nomodeset on here too, and maybe some other fix?) hmm.. Guess the answer might be somewhere in trying to install Mint with the same issue.
It's probably got something to do with the motherboard from MSI
A4-5300 1/2/2 3,4 (3,6) GHz 1 × 1 MB N/A N/A HD 7480D 128 32x4D 8 8 724 (N/A) MHz 65 W ✔ Ja FM2 Q3/2012 (OEM) 1600 MHz Trinity
Northern Islands = ARUBA (Trinity/Richland), BARTS, TURKS, CAICOS, CAYMAN
So the kernel driver should fully support the APU -> do you use tha latest BIOS/UEFI for your mainboard?
i'll try after updating to RC1 (just woke up abruptly to my Youtube playlist terminating as im a type that needs something besides just static white noise to sleep to, )but after trying to leave it to netflix and noticing videos would not play (plugin logs in but just fails to start). a few things always comes to mind since this was working before, "i've gone and forgotten to be sure there money on the prepaid card for billing" (this usally either breaks login or videos refuse to play) "Internet Derp" (my AiO Gateway at times seems to hate my Pi3B+ and after many days in arow of being connected, just throws it offline, a restart fixes this problem) and "Plugin's Broken" (i havent seen an update to netflix in awhile to break it that Demands an update directly to restore playback)
sofar only one person on the Plugin thread has reported Pi issues of the same whiel others have no issues. 5schatten only log i have that looks like it has relevant data is "KODI.log" (sorry alot of CEC Adapter error is inflating the log and i need to disable that so that stops. as i connect this Pi3B+ over analog as its in a room w/ mostly non HDMI Systems and only has a CRT tv, so i had to compress the log to a zip, despite its under 2mb the log kept failing to attach
Inputstream adaptive error Permanent failure
Video playback is not working in 0.13.18 · Issue #555 · asciidisco/ · GitHub
so either you wait for the repo or grab the latest version yourself & install it manually
Well one of the LE devs uses an AMD A4 5300 as NFS file server & send me these pictures:
So double check your configuration/BIOS/UEFI because it works on other devices
Got it. And about Steam, have it some chance to be added? I'd like to use games streaming but i dont have a geforce gpu to use moonlight.
Since Docker does not work / hangs at exit since kernel 4.19 it would be useless anyway.
Display MoreI just tried rc1 build on a pc with i5 3570 and amd r9 280 gpu:
I still have some issues:
1. the amd gpu hdmi audio driver is still buggy (bad sound)
2. so I used the intel motherboard anolog out, it works in kodi but the autoconfig asound.conf was not working, I changed it manualy
bad autoconfing asound.conf:
Code Display More# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # Copyright (C) 2018-present 5schatten ( pcm.!default { type plug slave.pcm { @func getenv vars [ ALSAPCM ] # Device name can be found using the command 'aplay -L' default "@" } }
good manual asound.conf (with the aplay-L uploaded here)
Code Display More# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # Copyright (C) 2018-present 5schatten ( pcm.!default { type plug slave.pcm { @func getenv vars [ ALSAPCM ] # Device name can be found using the command 'aplay -L' default "sysdefault:CARD=PCH" } }
3. KMS mode is still not working (not a big issue since it is off by default)
4. VULKAN is not working in RA
5. I still have the issue in dolphin about "failed to create shared context for shader compiling"
EDIT : added logs
1. Well it's Linux Kernel / AMD driver stuff...
2. The autoconfig approach only works with basic audio setups & kodi does not list all devices the same way as it would be suitable. I only added it for lazy dudes that have no intentions to read the FAQ so if you use a somewhat special audio setting you still have to set it manually.
3. I've disabled KMS at default because from my past experience it looks like it only works with Intel stuff flawless.
4. Does RA start? Because Vulkan in RA is somewhat useless for most emulators because only few support it
5. No clue about Dolphin but you're not alone with this Reccomended video card upgrade
The thing is it's hard to figure out what's wrong with the AMD stuff because on the one hand other gaming builds like lakka don't even bother to build Vulkan drivers. I can howver try to set DRI3 as default in the xorg-radeon.conf file because without DRI3 I had problems with my Intel IGP too.
So bascially I revert this stuff xf86-video-ati: use DRI2 and EXA by default but allow DRI3 and glamor · LibreELEC/ · GitHub and set it to the same config escalade uses at le82 · escalade/ · GitHub but might break stuff for pre CGN card users Radeon X.Org Driver Now Only Uses DRI3 By Default With GLAMOR - Phoronix
Can you create a file called xorg.conf in your configfiles root folder (where asound.conf is located) with this content:
Section "Device"
Identifier "AMD Graphics"
Driver "radeon"
Option "DRI3" "1"
Option "AccelMethod" "glamor"
And report if this changes anything?
Display MoreThank you very much for such a great build. I have some clone Chinese PS3 controllers that won't connect by bluetooth. After trying over and over, one of them might connect but it is impossible to connect 2 of them like genuine Sony controllers (I also have a couple from my old PS3 but am using them on another box). The only information I can seem to find on other systems is Retropie, OpenEMU, and a couple more:
Add shanwan PS3 Clone controllers support · Issue #28 · neilmunday/pes · GitHub
LE8 "Remix" (Generic/RPi) Emulationstation/Chrome/Spotify (read the first post before posting)
When wired they work fine. would you have any ideas on how to get them working on bluetooth?
The controller shows as SHANWAN_PS3_GamePad when plugged to USB. When on bluetooth they sometimes shows as a normal Playstation(R)3 Controller and other times shows as PLAYSTATION(R)3Conteroller-PANHAI.
Any help would be much appreciated!
From my past experience I can only say that I had mediocre ones with genuie PS3 ones. The SHANWAN stuff should work if you follow these steps but I can't say if they will be able to connect to bt as a group.
Got the SHANWAN controller working like this:
Insert the bt-dongle, fire the retropi up.
Update all packages
- remove sixad installation from gui
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get bluez-tools (at least CSR 4.0 wasn't fully recognized without it)
- sudo hciconfig hci0 up (at least CSR 4.0 required this)
- reboot
- install the ps3contoller from the GUI (extras)
- install/config the SHANWAN controller (third option)
- Pair the controller by plugging it in via usb-cable for few seconds (it rumbles). Press the p3-button
- remove the usb cable and press the p3 button. It takes few moments while all the leds blink and then only the 1st led should be lit.
- configure the input using the gui.
If it still does not work, buy CSR 4.0 -bluetooth adapter. Then it's guranteed to work.
Hmm.. but I hade an earlier version work, from Early october until.. well.. the day before yesterday
Mainboard: MSI FM2-A75IA-E53
CPU: AMD A4 5300 3,4 GHz FM2
As I said this is most likely a kernel related problem and should be solved by upstream code. I reached out to some LE devs if they have any suggestions. Anyway I would create a new ticket Ticketsystem - LibreELEC Forum & a dedicated thread in the support forum General Support because it's LE9 related and not limited to this build.
Display MoreHello, I just installed the latest available build from google drive (4.19 kernel - "LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-9.0-RR-201848-acf6c02-RC1.img.gz")
Note that this is my first time trying out this fork.
Two things I notice right out the bat:
* I can't exit spotify after launching it, it doesn't have any title bar. I've tried esc/altf4/ctrl-alt-backspace along with my media keyboard's android-like back/home/tasklist
* No sound whatsoever (yes everything is plugged, no it's not muted through kodi, haven't checked alsamixer yet but libreelec 8.9 worked out of the box)
CodeXPC:~ # speaker-test speaker-test 1.1.7 Playback device is default Stream parameters are 48000Hz, S16_LE, 1 channels Using 16 octaves of pink noise ALSA lib /home/supervisedthinking/le90-rr/ Unknown PCM Playback open error: -2,No such file or directory
I'm pretty sure you did not read the FAQ anyway disable ALSA autoconfig in \\your_device\configfiles\rr-config\advanced.conf then get your devices by entering aplay -L and update the asound.conf
It's pretty old hardware with an AMD a4 apu, the latest alpha does not work either.. exact same thing,
I have to have nomodeset on, and when I try to boot it gets stuck on trying to start the xorg server
it also says:
Failed to start Xorg server.
Is your GPU supported?
If it does not work with LE 9 Alpha builds it won't work with mine also state the exact hardware (cpu / mainboard) configuration otherwise nobody can help you.
Hi, Had this working in... the start of October, had to reinstall now because I'm switching drives, but I'm having a lot of problems, is it possible to download an older version? like... beta7 or something?
Basically, it wont install without nomodeset, then when I try to start (with nomodeset) it gets stuck in a "failed to start xorg server" loop.
Well what kind of hardware do you use... does the latest LE 9.0 Alpha 008 work for you LibreELEC (Leia) v8.90.008 ALPHA – LibreELEC
Display More5schatten could you add a default frontend option to \rr-config\advanced.conf?
It would start the desired frontend at boot with 3 options:
kodi (same as now)
emulationstation (like retropie)
retroarch (like lakka)
I have a dedicaced pc for retrogaming and I would like it to start emulationstation directly at boot since I don't use kodi on it, but then the emulationstation menu would need to have a shutdown option (I think retropie has one).
tl:dr no it's not possible
Lakka and Retropie don't use standard Retroarch or Emulationstation versions but special builds that include options for system settings. The shutdown menus don't work for LE since they refer to not existing scripts & I've created a patch to remove them. You still need Kodi since it's used to set stuff like screen resolution, network settings or connects the bluetooth controllers. But you could disable all menu entries in Kodi so if you boot up it would only show Emulationstation or Retroarch which means you have to press just one or two buttons to start either RA or ES.
Display MoreHello guys!
It's that time of the year (yet again) when i'm thinking of gifting myself a GPU upgrade to Raspberry Pi.
This looks okay, but I could spend a bit more, for possibly a newer/better Intel/Amd inside. Something around 140$, cant afford more, and if i could I would put something small together myself.
I still like the hdmi-CEC, i NEED BT, could do without wi-fi, but, you know...
Any suggestion?
Thank you very much.
P.S.: And yes, if I would buy ara X5 back then, i wouldnt be asking you... again...
Do yourself a favor and get something regular non-chinese hacked stuff. Beside the fact that the x5-Z8300 is incredible slow you never know what surprises these chinese UEFI or chipsets have onboard. If you can spend ~140$ I would try to get something like this:
ASRock > J4105-ITX
Intel® NUC Kit NUC7CJYH 126135
All of them should come with decent linux support & pretty all emulators should run at least playable. Maybe PCSX2 needs some more power but the ODROID H2 and so the J4105 can run Dolphin which is pretty nice.
I use makemkv on my desktop (linuxmint) and it never stopped working, but i have the update function disabled.
Well IMHO this package is way diffrent of the Kodi addon since it's the libs that Kodi uses and probably not even the makemkv binary. Anyway if it needs a proper key one day I would have to drop the update script anyway
Well you are right that while it is in beta a key is not needed, but what about this statement on their website?
MakeMKV BETA has several major restrictions.
Program is time-limited -- it will stop functioning after 60 days. You can always download the latest version from that will reset the expiration date.
Probably because this key changes every two months... MakeMKV is free while in beta - otherwise I don't see how the program should know how long it's already in use. Or has MakeMKV stopped working for you?
Btw.... Can't get beta working? - since this question came up 6(!) years ago and they also refered to the beta key so...
Question about the makemkv addon
Suppose that i want to buy a key for makemkv would that be a problem with the key update code in your plugin?
Well as long as MakeMKV is a beta the key is not needed and once it's needed the key updater won't work anymore. So I could implement some function to read the key from a file but as I said it makes no sense right now. You can still buy the code to support the development of MakeMKV though.
5schatten sorry I don't have time for now for further tests for sdls ound card detection.
I have some suggestions for some more systems directories (as they are used by the scrapper I use and by rom dats like no-intro)
1. separate atari800 (computer) from atari5200 (consoles) they used incompatible cartdrige and have differents rom dats.
2. separate msx and msx2, they have different roms dats (like gb/gbc)
3. add atomiswave and naomi directories (much like the neogeo directory), lr-reicast should now work with them.
Well I thought about atomiswave & naomi already but the problem is these systems were not covered by any ES theme and Retroarch does not care where you store your roms and just checks if any of your roms matches rdb entries. So creating an atari800 subfolder is no big deal cause there is a ES theme entry for it, msx2 is missing but probably covered by msx.
All in all you have to make sure if a platform id exists that covers your desired system in platformid.cpp otherwise the scraper wouldn't look for it.
Someone has to add these systems first like a dude did this in this PR for pc-engine stuff Fixes for issues #503 and #505. by c0d3h4x0r · Pull Request #507 · RetroPie/EmulationStation · GitHub but since TGDB - Search does not support these platforms it's a waste of time
Anyone else who experienced issues with Intel GPU from Kaby Lake (Pentium G4560) with recent beta versions? I had flickering and glitches in menus and some videos would cause the signal to be lost to my TV. Reverting to beta08 fixed the issue but everything up to beta15 at least has this error. Happens intermittent and was quite frustrating, don't dare upgrading because of this.
This is probably something for the Kodi or LE bug tracker so double check and install a recent LE 9 alpha 8 to make sure it does work there because I'm using upstream code for Kodi & FFmpeg which is likely responsible for any video playback issues.
5schatten, Is there some chance of you to add "" to the project?
Since it is some Node.js stuff chances are pretty low. And to be honest I have no clue if Retroarch or SDL2 will detect this even if I would add a complete node Server. And all in all...why? I mean the gaming experience with touchscreens is inferior even to the cheapest real gamepads many old console or arcade games need a quite precise input.