Posts by 5schatten

    Yes you can delete the file & rr-config dir.

    This could work:

    The advanced.conf file says

    # Enable Kernel Mode Setting (KMS) for Retroarch which can reduce 
    # your input lag and overall gaming experience for certain lr-cores
    # valid options: false / true

    Btw. you should read the last changelogs...

    Well you could try to delete this completely:

    # Freeze Kodi / stop audio freeze muteonly
    # Switch back to Kodi & start audio unfreeze muteonly

    Thanks a lot! :) I did the same with my other issue (doesnt return to rcb after playing). Maybe you could take a look of it too and say what is missing in retroarch.start script. Log is probably longer than necessary because I didnt know where it ends.

    Thats how it looks like when launching /usr/bin/retroarch (returning to rcb works)

    And thats how it looks like when launching retroarch.start (doesnt return to rcb)

    If you use my retroarch.start script it can't return to RCB because my script stops Kodi before it launches any frontend.

    Again if you want to run anything else you have to export the audio drivers or else to Retroarch. As long as Kodi is running there is no guarantee that your emulator will gain access to your ALSA device for example.

    Btw. you probably have to use the "solo mode" mode anyway /shrug

    [RELEASE] Rom Collection Browser - Browse and launch emulator game ROMs

    I maybe found the reason why rcb doesnt start dolphin..

    I compared the logparts of ppsspp and dolphin and here are the differences:



    Don't know what this means though. However I attached the files that are named in the error note. Maybe you want to check it..

    This is most likely a RCB bug bug exporting game db to nfo's · Issue #202 · maloep/romcollectionbrowser · GitHub so you should report it there so it might get finally fixed at some day. /shrug

    UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xa0' in position 21: ordinal not in range(128)


    awesome build. However compared to the rest dolphin is extremely loud and the volume bar in its settings is greyed out. Is there a solution for this?

    And is there a way to change kodi leia splash screen?


    Try alsamixer in a terminal to reduce the volume.

    About the Kodi splash screen you might be able to use this guide How to Change Kodi Splash Screen - Custom Startup Image - Home Media Portal and place a splash file in ~/.kodi/media

    Or disable it Bootscreen von Libreelec ändern - Raspberry Pi - - Deutschsprachiges Forum zum Kodi Entertainment Center

    Something like pactl set-sink-volume alsa_output.temp_sink 75% works for PulseAudio. I guess I'll add some volume option to the RR Config later.

    It seems to work in one way or another Z83 mini PC

    milhouse  chewitt

    Any hints how to switch to grub2 to boot 32bit UEFI based systems?

    If you considering to go for a NUC, mITX board or Odroid H2 there should be no problems. I use a Asrock J3455-ITX and it boots up flawless.

    Well if temperatures are okay with LE 8.2.5 there must be a reason why they are much higher now regardless if 70°C are pretty high for idle load or not. :/

    What's your clock speed when you reach the thermal limit? Or is the clock speed completely fixed at your Atom D2700?

    Could you upload your logfile zips? Your GT520M uses the 340.107 Nvidia driver which should be pretty stable while the Atom D2700 CPU should be well supported too but lacks EIST so no Speedstep support. :/

    The device is running into the thermal limit when it's idle or while you watch anything?


    LE 8.2.5 used 390.42 which also supports the GT 520M so it might be a regression with the older 340.107 driver.

    Once again you defend your position blindly by attacking and questionning each and every sentences i wrote. Just because you are offended by my frustration and you just can't admit your own failure. PERIOD. You do not explain me and to all why the strict and limited 500 megs part...... A SD Card can be parted... a HD Too.... i see no clear need to preserve it as it is when a lot of people would like it with few choice of a bigger first part from the start.

    There is LE9 Remix ain't it... What is it for if we can't get there?

    I Know that LibreElec is a fabulous piece of software and that it is the top in its own category. Open source also mean open to explain your own little secrets and directions on how use it to achieve our goal....

    So instead of playing the poor offended guy as you do why not tell me how to do it simply please?

    Well maybe I don't get your point but what exactly is your problem? The standard partition size of 512MB is more than enough for vanilla LE since all addons are stored on a different partition. If you want to use my community build follow the steps as described in the first post of my thread, download my images and install them cleanly and you have nothing else to do. /shrug

    Btw. open source means basically the source code is available for everyone. GitHub - LibreELEC/ Just enough OS for KODI go and grab the code and do what you like. ?(:/

    I just noticed that when I created that logfile the path to dolphin.start in my rcb config file was incorrect. Here is another logfile that hopefully shows my issue.

    Alucard since you are using the same NUC and the same build like me I wondered if you also experienced that sometimes the NUC stucks in bootscreen?

    Well if you provide logs -> reboot the system once the try out what should work but doesn't and grab the log package ;) otherwise it's a pain in the @$$ to figure out what's wrong.

    I didn't find anything in particular why it does not run so can you start LE, log into a terminal and run the script which you want to use by hand and see if it starts fine? If it does RCB starts the script in a wrong way.:/

    Add dtoverlay=w1-gpio,gpiopin=4 to config.txt instead of using the dtoverlay command in if this still fails upload a full dmesg log.


    My generic builds come with MAME 2003 Plus & MAME 2016 also FB Alpha so I guess bascially all important roms are covered in one way or another.

    About BSNES I've added the balanced core to my build if it's suitable, but snes9x is also included.

    x1 on beetle psx software. I think I tried to go higher at some point without much slowdown but from what I remember it activated the GPU and I had graphical gitches in some games (CTR in particular) x1 software all the way for me: good accuracy, good performances ==> PSX as in the 90s.

    Note that I'm not talking about RR version but regular libreelec 18 with retroarch and beetle psx installed...but beetle psx is the same piece of software in the end...

    Regular LibreELEC 9.x comes with Retroplayer not Retroarch but basically it uses the same API and cores. Or did you use any stuff like Gamestarter?