Posts by JonSnow

    I really can't see throgh the AV hole to see if there is any botton.

    But when using a toothpick I can't feel a click.
    I tried to push it anyway to force boot to recovery mode but no success. However I installed an app that can boot to recovery successfully.

    Have you tried flashing or booting LE on it from an SD Card?

    Its fairly easy to unbrick the box if you decide to flash on NAND, just need the stock img file.
    Anyone with a MiniMXIII have working Bluetooth?

    Looking for a way to install LE and SQL on the same box that can be shared on my LAN, this will be used as a headless unit for syncing/updating my library. I would like to install both side by side so that one a video is added to my network share, a Kodi addon would run and add it to my Library which would then sync across all my devices.

    Cureently I have a raspi running SQL for my database and then my main Kodi box updates the library every hour, what I'm trying to do is have a always on headless unit that handles SQL and library updates all in one box.

    Better yet I remapped the power button to the Kodi Power menu using the below code, and saved as keyboard.xml. Kszaq maybe make that the default for all boxes?

    Here are some more key id's, just replace the text between the brackets >< with a proper command. Right now it just tells you what each button is.

    <key id="61622">home</key>
    <key id="61656">menu</key>
    <key id="61467">back</key>
    <key id="61453">ok</key>
    <key id="61624">vol-</key>
    <key id="61625">vol+</key>
    <key id="61662">power</key>

           <key id="61662">XBMC.ActivateWindow(shutdownmenu)</key> 

    Is it in your flash partition? IIRC the first time I booted one of kszaq's builds it copied my remote.conf from android to /flash.

    you are right, this was copied directly from Android during install, orgional MXIII 107L1 firmware.
    I mounted flash as RW and uploaded by modified conf with the power key disabled in LE. The button is now useless in LE but still powers on the box, shutdown, reboot etc still work from Kodi Power menu.

    Adding the remote.conf for anyone looking to do the same, I have outlined each button on the remote so people know what each key is.

    Anyone know how to disable the suspend on the beelink remote? While LE is running i would like the power button not to do anything, I would still like to turn it on when you power it off but just not to do anything when Kodi is running.

    I find the suspend feature does not really work and sometimes freezes the box requring me to pull the plug. Build 004 seems to handle well but still freezes but build 005 freezes very often when waking up from suspend.


    thanks for the confirmation and the additional samples.

    Your 720p sample played fine without lag or frame drops using software decode on my MXQ Pro 4k (Libreelec version 005 on SD card) , the 1080p was too much for it: full CPU load on all cores and skipped frames.

    Can you try again with the performance cpu governor?


    echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor

    That is true, but i cache fanart as its added for my theme otherwise I'd have to cache it again and i have created backups after major changes but it just puts my mind at ease to have the latest backups even if not weekly monthly would be fine.

    Is there a way to setup weekly backups via cron or othetwise? I'd like to use the build in backup option under LE settings but would rather have it done automatically.

    I know there are other addons in the kodi repo such as Backup, but I've always ran into issues with the restore and my current theme. When i restore from LE everything restores perfectly.

    I need a backup solution as I've had devices die and its just so much easier to restore than setup from scratch or an old file.

    Hmm the one that I'm looking at is a Beelink Mini MX Ver 1.0 TV Box (not MXIII)
    I wonder if it's the same

    The MXIII is the newer smaller version, if you go on the Beelink website they only offer the MXIII, i suspect the chances of getting the newer s905 rev C (NOT s905X) is higher on the MXIII vs the old Mini MX.

    I have no complaints if the reset button does not work as i can always get to recovery by other means or just reflash Android with the USB burning tool. I'm probably making a mistake with the toothpick method as others have the MXIII and dont have issues.

    What are you trying to do with ADB? you don't need root to use ADB (if you're trying to use adb boot recovery command over wifi), you just need to enable developer options which should be done by hitting the build number 5 times.

    Right that makes sense, cant believe i forgot to enable developer options.

    anyone else notice 004 only shows 2 cores? 005 shows all 4.
    Astra-SES_Demo_UHD_satellite_end-of-2015 played without artifacts

    just got the mini mxiii and having trouble with the toothpick method, anyone have any ideas? I'm not ready to flash on the NAND on this box and adb does not work since it isnt rooted.

    EDIT: Went to backup&update and used a random kodi addon zip then proceeded to update the box and bam LE booted from SD. The kodi addons zip where on the NAND after lauching kodi within Android. I think the reset button is broken on this box as well.

    Also the box has s905 revision C processor. Power, reboot, sleep all fully functional via remote on 004.

    Does this work in LE? use USB port 4 with USB burning tool and then I can reload Android OS if LE doesn't work as I need it to?

    Yes I've bricked my box plently of times and was able to recover with the USB burning tool. This I can say about my MXQ PRO and nothing else but i suspect it will work on all boxes as long as your have the correct firmware. I think there is a problem. I've checked reset button and it looks soldered for me. I found some mark on the motherboard: MXQPRO_V2.1_20151209. But still this button doesn't do anything. Which is a problem because as far I undestand I have to boot device in the recovery mode to use USB Burning Tool. Isnt' that right? Because at the moment this tool can't see my device (I did install drivers during tool instalation). Each tutorial I found says about recovery mode...and that doesn't exists. Is there anything more I could do or should I just trow it away and forget about it?

    You can install using the backup and upgrade thats the only way it worked for me but to reboot into recovery with android use adb and type in reboot recovery. Need to be rooted to use ad b.

    As for the burning tool no you do not need recover. All i have to do is start the app on my computer load the image and click start, then plug in the usb cable into the box. You don't need power the usb port will power the box during flash.