Posts by datrh

    As i have LE on at 17.6 can i not use your RC4 tar? and if so where does that go.?

    got a case where depending firmware version , the box will not boot to libreelec. an update to the latest kitkat android firmware solved this.

    about the minix x8-h_plus, the returns i've got seems to indicate that it's not needed anymore to maintain 2 versions (x8-h_series and x8-h_plusgen1).

    in the past i used a custom linux distribution.

    with kodi 18 , i follow strictly LE so i'm using "official" LibreELEC amlogic-linux.

    just test. you need to repatch the bootloader as instructed.

    if you use the 17.6 image on a SD, the new bootloader patch is backward compatible.

    the bootloader patch has been modded to find LE 8.9xx image when LE is installed on the internal storage.

    Installed as per instruction on Minix X8H Plus, gigabit lan, A2 remote, HDMI to Panasonic TV. Must enable frame-rate switching in settings (this was disabled by default causing crashes) then tested with random videos from Synology NAS via NFS, DVB-T via TVMosaic Server also on the NAS - so far results are impressive especially the video quality on the Minix considering its age, it has really been improved! Well done to the developers, I will keep testing but so far so good.

    I want to thank you for this kind of positive comment, it feels good, helps us to share our work.

    All of this would not be possible without the dedicated LibreELEC team.

    kudos to them

    Booting ONLY works if the remote dongle is NOT plugged into one of the USB ports. If dongle is present the device will boot into Minix Android.

    One Q that I still have concerns the Whitelist - what exactly is needed here ? Is this a file that needs to be greated or a setting ticked ?


    it's a setting.

    you need to put kodi in "expert" setting mode to access this setting.

    eg : i'm in europa , my setting are 1080p 60hz, 1080p24hz and 1080p23,xxxhz

    i was actif on the old forum .

    it has always being a beta firmware.

    even if they have change the name on the new forum it's still a crappy beta firmware.

    Amlogic haven't release a fully compliant lollipop sdk for the s812 as mentioned here

    Mbox - Amlogic openlinux

    and no need to capslock, i'm not blind.

    anyway : #1 updated with recommended firmware version

    to try to help you :

    i've extract the dtb.img from the lollipop android firmware.


    download it and replace the existing one on the SD. if we are lucky it may works.

    I managed to update this box with the Lollipop Official rom from Minix, with same kind of method...and it worked from the first time!!!

    well i think that my images are not "compatible" with a device running Android Lolllipop.

    my 802/812 images run a linux 3.10 like android kit kat. so the dtb (a file describing the hardware) files i use, are linux 3.10 compatible and not linux 3.16 compatible (like used with Android Lollipop).

    i guess the bootloader used by lollipop isn't the same as the kitkat one : this is why the bootscript/the dtb used in my images doesn't work.

    Android version history - Wikipedia

    the lollipop minix rom was a beta version when i started the thread and not the latest official one

    try the same process with the latest image : kodi18 RC4.

    no need to download the boot_autoscript as it's already in the image. just rename it.

    so insert the toothpick , using the toothpick hold the reset button depressed. press the power button like usual. count 5-6sec and release the toothpick.

    I want to understand right, now you say that the LEIA18 Kodi LibeElec is stable:

    no long time ago you said that the 17.6 version is the most stable one:

    out of context : it was related to a MXIII Plus image......btw i'm still waiting feedback about this.

    Please confirm that the process steps are complete and the right ones!! (we have to push the box Start Button while holding reset switch with the tootpick?)or (just holding reset switch with the tootpick and plug in the Power cable?)

    this is the way to go.

    to patch the android boot loader ( to be able to boot from SD) you have to : "we have to push the box Start Button while holding reset switch with the tootpick" a few seconds

    LE.This are the latest versions of LibreElec KOdi 17.6 for Minix 8h Plus?

    X8,X8-H and some X8-HP users : LibreELEC-X8-H_Series.arm-8.2RC-kodi_17.6-final.img

    some X8-HP users : LibreELEC-X8-H_PlusGen1.arm-8.2RC-kodi_17.6-final.img

    There is the difference between them?

    In the past , i had to maintain 2 versions for the x8-hp (i guess related to android bootloader/firmware version.)

    This is why i suggest now to run the device with the latest firmware (latest bootloader).

    My 17.6 images are based on Balbes150 works and i've kept his bootloader patch technic in my kodi 18 images.

    If you find some time....please for newbies like me...can you add the details in your first topic post:

    -how to formated the sd card with the Libreelec usb-sd creator (the steps)-i find this :

    Installing LE 8 from @demitris onto Minix Neo x8h plus

    the LibreELEC usb creator will take care of it.

    I browsed in the sd card formatted with LibreELEC-X8-H_Series (from the first post) and I didn't find any file named "boot_autoscript"

    Find attached the image of the sd content.

    Thank you

    you're right, the file is missing.

    • If you have a spare SD card , burn a RC3 or RC4 image and copy the file from the SD with kodi18 to the SD with kodi 17.6
    • or download the file from here boot_autoscript and put it on the SD with kodi17.6 (don't forget to rename it.)

    (I don't understand why there is present s805script, if the Minix 8h plus it is s812)

    it's just a file name, it's was developed by Balbes150 when the s805 were mainstream

    5. i've post the old 17.6 images a few weeks after having started the kodi 18 topic so everyone who has tested the kodi 18 images where running a minix with a patched bootloader.

    in the past, the boot.scr was a extra file to copy on the SD.i've change this with kodi 18 images.

    6.if the android bootloader has not been patched, you will not being able to boot from SD. the "toothpick" trick is a one time process.

    minix-neo-x8-h-plus-rear-ports.jpg (the reset"recover" hole)

    if successful , LibreELEC will self-install on the SD card and you will have a minix able to boot from SD/LibreELEC (if inserted) or from internal storage/android

    edit : ...and my images (s802/s812) support the standard minix IR or any wireless Minix remote


    1. libreelec.usb-sd.creator.win32.exe (i guess you use windows and write the GZ file you have downloaded )
    2. no
    3. yes you need to patch the bootloader to be able to boot from SD. it's a one time process.
    4. no it will just install itself on the SD card
    5. shutdown works from remote, to power-on you need to unplug replug the power cable and press the button on the minix
    6. just remove the SD card to boot again in Android