Posts by donbrew

    If you have 2 different remotes, 1 RC6 and 1 other encoding, you could just use different lircd.confs. If they are both RC6 they are sending the same codes.

    So tell your Harmony it is a RC5 remote and add a RC5 lircd.conf to the one you want to have use it.

    BTW, the built in lircd.conf covers many remotes, so if you only want 1 remote to work you will need to place the specific lircd.conf into /storage/.config; that will over ride the built in one.

    I think your question is a bit confusing, probably why nobody bothered. I hope I helped.

    If you had 2 RF remotes you can set them up the way you want.

    I cannot count the number of times I have seen Microsoft give wrong information or tell someone there is no solution to your problem, the registry is probably corrupted, just reinstall Windows. Never had to do that with Linux or BSD. The range of hardware support may not be quite as broad on Linux, but Windows is a fragile house of cards which breaks easily and often, takes much more effort to fix or troubleshoot, and is infinitely less secure. Like the old saying goes, those who dont understand Unix are doomed to reinvent it, badly.

    What I meant was that the very first result too my search phrase gave me the exact concise answer. Normally there are so many right answers to Linux problems that I can't figure out what to do, or there is no answer. Just take a look at the unanswered questions on any Linux board. Just about every Linux "expert" thinks that the answers are too obvious to discuss.

    I have been trying to understand how to use Linux/Unix/OS9 (Level1/Level2) since 1980. I don't have the time to become an expert, and GoOgle is way to noisy to get a straight answer.

    I just never imagined that a fix to a Linux system could be as easy as adding 3 digits to an unprotected easy to find file.

    Has anyone figured out why the smb config file was changed from default in the first place? It's a pretty odd little thing to change and that breaks access to an entire file system. Also odd that nobody admits that samba is a part of a system, just because "Linux snobs" don't think anybody would ever interface with a "lowly" Windows computer.

    A good reason for the original suggestion is that cron daemon does not automatically sync to the actual time it syncs to the kernel build time.

    My Pi 1B does have ntp set up and the system time zone is correct and it is connected to a wired network and displays the correct time. But "systemctrl status cron" returns:

    [0;1;32m●[0m cron.service - Cron daemon
    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/cron.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
    Active: [0;1;32mactive (running)[0m since Thu 2016-09-29 16:28:34 EDT; 1 day 17h ago
    Process: 249 ExecStartPre=/bin/mkdir -p /storage/.cache/cron/crontabs (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    Main PID: 265 (crond)
    CGroup: /system.slice/cron.service
    └─265 /sbin/crond -f -S

    Sep 29 16:28:33 LibreELEC systemd[1]: Starting Cron daemon...
    Sep 29 16:28:34 LibreELEC systemd[1]: Started Cron daemon.
    Oct 01 10:22:33 LibreELEC crond[265]: [0;1;31mtime disparity of 2513 minutes detected[0m

    the time that the kernel was compiled as not agreeing with the system time. I had do "systemctl restart cron" to get cron to work, after that it continues working after reboot.

    That has happened at least twice on fresh installs and after many reboots over several weeks.

    I suppose that makes it a Linux problem not a Kodi problem, but it is annoying that nobody has noticed it besides myself.

    I'm used to figuring out typos in linux like situations. Remember the "type your own program" magazines? I had a COCO3 with OS9 (something like UNIX) you had to type your own, then figure out who had the fat fingers.

    Typing was easier than downloading a file at 300 baud onto a cassette tape and then debugging it. could take an hour.

    And figuring out which path to a file in a modified OS to use is a pain, how are you supposed to know which sym link to use for which program?

    The weird thing is system time was right. It was Cron had the wrong time.

    I had a similar problem in the way back with NPVR not recording, that one was because the PC BIOS clock somehow reset itself to the wrong time, but the NPVR guide had the correct time. I never figured out how that happened and the same PC has been running without any problems for several years since.

    I assume you forgot to type /storage in the crontab? Or, does that work?

    I have finally forced cron to work on my RPi by running "systemctl start cron" evidently that forced cron to sync it's clock to the system clock.
    If I add a or, are you guys are talking Linux and assuming we all know to add
    at the top of the script and the chmod 755

    Or, that is not needed?

    I also gather those scripts go into /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.webgrabplus ?

    How did you create crontab file? With crontab command?

    yes crontab -e, and also with notepad++.
    The time zone was set and was set and on a wired network for 9 days on milhouse 920. I would think something would sync.

    What seems to have worked: I ran "systemctl start cron" and rebooted, with cron enabled in settings.

    This has been going on for weeks, I started this thread after playing on my own for a week or 2.

    Is there a way to force cron to wait for the time to set after a reboot?

    Thank everybody, it seems fixed for the time being.

    I meant that I have moved on from that script to a much simpler one that was tested by someone else and myself. (I have since edited my post, we were typing at the same time).

    Now I have tested on 3 different installs of 2 different versions of LibreELEC. cron does not work UNLESS I run "systemctl status cron" first, then only once. testing in progress for "systemctl start cron" and disabling cron in settings.

    Does not work at all when disabled in settings.