Building LibreELEC is mainly done on x86_64 hosts and not on the target devices.
I also think some of the rkbin tools used to generate bootloader/u-boot blobs only exists for x86_64.
Building LibreELEC is mainly done on x86_64 hosts and not on the target devices.
I also think some of the rkbin tools used to generate bootloader/u-boot blobs only exists for x86_64.
Thanks, but my Toshiba TV does not have full range setting. The Rockchip can't output limited range?
Rockchip currently can output:
1. RGB Full Range (YUV video is clipped and scaled from 16-235 to 0-254). Set TV to Full Range - WtW & BtW clipped, Single video scaling.
2. YCbCr 4:2:2/4:4:4 Limited Range (RGB gui is scaled from 0-254 to 16-235). Set TV to Limited Range - WtW & BtB preserved*, Zero video scaling.
Recommended and default settings:
- Use limited colour range (16-235) should be set to False
- System -> HDMI Output Format should be set to RGB
- Player -> HDMI Output Format should be set to YCbCr
- TV should be set to Full Range when RGB is used and Limited Range when YCbCr is used
*In current build the Video Output Processor is configured to clip YUV WtW & BtW values before it is sent out over HDMI.
Please use limited color space.
Do not enable Use limited colour range (16-235) in Kodi when using Rockchip, instead enable full range on TV when using RGB output or colors will be wrong.
I am currently working on an update that will hide this option and also makes it possible to select between 4:2:2 and 4:4:4 YCbCr output instead of just 4:4:4 YCbCr.
Can there be something related to the ethernet driver used by libreelec that limit the upload? its the same driver/options that the omv people use?
See build/armbian-hardware-optimization at master · armbian/build · GitHub for some hw optimization moving interupt handling to different cpu cores and more.
Unsure if this scripts will run on LE as is but could be interesting to test with some of these optimization.
My (Fast) Ethernet adapter isn't seen.
"usb start" generates an exception and reboots, even with no external USB devices connected.
I reverted gmac2io support for rk3328 in u-boot to fix an wifi issue on the rockbox, all rk3328 targets share u-boot config at the moment, I will probably create device specific configs to try and work around device specific issues, I have also seen usb crashes and I suspect this is because of different gpio pins used
1) I am unable to play 4K video in 4K, it play in 1080P. I use the exact same hdmi cable that my Minix U9-H and with this one I am able to play 4K HDR without any problem.
I am aware of this issue on the RockPro64 and it is caused by Display Port support being enabled in the device tree for RockPro64 very late in the release cycle.
Working on an update that should allow 2K resolutions on DP and 4K on HDMI along with adding DP support to the other RK3399 boards.
A video is left paused, and the TV is left turned on.
I have been able to reproduce this issue, I am not sure I will be able to fix resume in all cases and will focus on a fix that stops the video playback when the mpp library is reporting too many consecutive error frames.
I found these interesting commits to make a RK3399 emmc flashable LibreELEC update.img
Hope something like that can work for RK3328 in future too, flashable with AndroidTool instead of etcher for a micro-sd card.
Using AndroidTool is Rockchip specific and probably requires Android / rkimg support in u-boot and I have explicitly disabled anything Android in the u-boot we ship.
Flashing to and booting from sd-card is what is most cross-platform/vendor friendly, a installer / dd script for installing to emmc will have bigger chance of also working with other SoCs, mainline u-boot/linux and being accepted in LE master.
I see here is a new bluetooth firmware file released 3 days ago, wonder if it can work and makes any difference?
I have recently pushed an update and changed BT firmware again, this time it is taken from the latest Windows BT driver on Realtek's homepage.
It seems very stable on my Tinker Board S, I have not yet tested it on my MVR9.
Latest BT firmware: firmware: update rtl8723b bluetooth firmware · Kwiboo/rkbin@120fe36 · GitHub
The latest rockchip-firmware from rockchip-firmware: use rtl8723b_config with noflow on box-trn9 · Kwiboo/ · GitHub will now use rtl8723b_config and rtl8723b_fw from /storage/.config/firmware/rtlbt if they exists.
I'm getting 25 fps on the 2 HD Channels.
I am getting this information by using PlayerProcessInfo
Is the playback of the HD channels looking wrong?
According to the broadcast specification you posted the content is supposed to be 25fps progressive broadcasted in interlaced 50fps.
The decoder is probably returning 25 fully deinterlaced frames for every 50 interlaced frames and Kodi is "correcting" the fps shown in process info.
kostaman can you record a short video on mobile or similar that shows the 25/50 fps issue?
The test videos you posted earlier seems to be displayed correctly on my devices, I am not sure what to look for.
The change to ttyS2 is also needed isn't it?
I updated the device-tree to reroute uart2 to ttyS0 as part of the last code push, so there should not be any need for the custom .service-file any more.
Would be interesting to test the older BT fw that was used for Tinker Board, I did a very quick test to see that devices was showing up, nothing more.
Can you perhaps provide the full command to add?
Change the APPEND line in /flash/extlinux/extlinux.conf from
APPEND boot=UUID=<uuid> disk=UUID=<uuid> quiet console=tty0
APPEND boot=UUID=<uuid> disk=UUID=<uuid> quiet console=tty0 bluetooth
It should make bluetooth work on MVR9 (makes my MVR9 box freeze when I try to reboot, I need to pull power to restart)
Please also verify if CEC still works, it does not seem to work on my MVR9 box, I suspect cable or bad HDMI connector.
mo123 I have now pushed minor updates to my rockchip-part7 branch, mainly contains device tree tuning, fix for wifi on rockbox and initial bluetooth support on box-trn9.
The use of uart2 for BT on the MVR9 seems to cause a freeze on reboot, enable BT by adding a bluetooth bootarg to extlinux.conf
Anyone know if it's possible to burn LibreELEC to emmc storage, erasing Android instead of running from a micro-sd card? I saw it was done for rk3399 but looked a bit complicated.
Using a img.gz-file and dd should work on a sd-card booted device where /dev/mmcblk1 is emmc storage:
WARNING: note that this will overwrite emmc
The option to change it is still inactive (greyed out), but picture quality increased visibly, especially at dynamic scenes - like if something was enabled by default.
You are correct, the deinterlacer should be activated automatically when needed by rkmpp and as you have noticed it is not showing in Kodi video settings.
The options for deinterlacer in video settings is only applicable when EGL/GLES is used for video rendering, and not the case for direct-to-plane rendering.
kostaman can you try removing one mode from the whitelist and then save/OK, possible that the default whitelist we ship is used.
I will test your samples later.
Also dmesg and Kodi debug log when you start one 50fps and one 25fps channel could help identify what is happening.
I have the issue where
some4 of my HD free to air channels are played at 50 fps and other 2 are still played at 25 fps.
I have not tested your samples yet, but is the issue that a 25hz mode is selected? You can remove the 25hz modes from the resolution whitelist and keep the 50hz modes, that way a 50hz mode will be selected when a 25hz video is starting (same as in Krypton).
this is the journalctl output:
Looks like it starts to timeout after final_speed 1500000, that baudrate change seems to work fine on tinker board, need to investigate more on my own trn9 box
tried that, still no Bluetooth Adapter found.
kernel log
Looks like Debug Shell serial-console.service is also started on ttyS2, more tuning is needed to get bluetooth working.
I think this is why I skipped bluetooth on trn9 in the first place
The output of journalctl --no-pager -u hciattach-realtek.service could also help
EDIT: You can remove console=uart8250,mmio32,0xff130000 from extlinux/extlinux.conf on the sd-card to disable the debug shell