Access folders and edit and transfer files on Rasp3 running Librelec over the internet, how?

  • Can I connect through Winscp on raspberry pi3 / libreelec as long as it's on the same network right?

    And if I want to connect over the internet, is it possible? Need to do portforwarding or dynamic dns?

    Is there another option for editing folders, transferring files to rasp3 running libreelec over the internet

    Thanks for the help, in advance.

  • SSH is all you need. You need to map ports on the firewall of your router (the internal iptables firewall in LE is active but has no rules) and organise dynamic DNS to make the box easy to find. You should also install SSH keys and disable password authentication as our default password is well known. That said, we do not recommend or endorse exposing LE boxes to the internet and the general rule is; if you need to ask how to do it you shouldn't be doing it..

  • VNC is a screen sharing app. You are (or were) talking about file sharing which is completely different. You can install a VNC add-on for RPi from our repo and set the password, but I wouldn't consider that to be secure (it's not something I would allow on my own network).