Can't compile libtool

  • Hello!

    I am new to libreelec and I have some issue compiling it from source. It's stuck on libtool and i can't figoure out why.. I would like to compile libreelec for myself since I want to test some stuff, like new moonlight-embendded, etc

    Thank you!

  • It's working

    PROJECT=RPi DEVICE=RPi2 ./scripts/clean automake

    PROJECT=RPi DEVICE=RPi2 ./scripts/clean libtool

    PROJECT=RPi DEVICE=RPi2 ./scripts/build automake:host

    PROJECT=RPi DEVICE=RPi2 ./scripts/build libtool:host

    but it's failed, so i applied the patch again and run

    PROJECT=RPi DEVICE=RPi2 ./scripts/build libtool:host

    again and now it's compiling.

    I don't understand the root cause of this problem, but well.. it's compiling so thanks!

  • idk if you just forgot it at copy/paste but ARCH is missing

    PROJECT=RPi DEVICE=RPi2 ARCH=arm ./scripts/clean automake

    btw you can do also

    PROJECT=RPi DEVICE=RPi2 ARCH=arm ./scripts/clean automake

    PROJECT=RPi DEVICE=RPi2 ARCH=arm ./scripts/build automake

    PROJECT=RPi DEVICE=RPi2 ARCH=arm ./scripts/create_addon moonlight

    PROJECT=RPi DEVICE=RPi2 ARCH=arm make image