update moonlight-embedded to 2.4.3

  • Hm i do not use the android app (i only use it on rasp).

    For the time (and for the raspi users) the only way to make your addon work with LibreELEC 8.2.3 is to roll back to GFE (maybe there are other gfe versions too but i can't search right now).

    I will try to update GFE to and try irtimmer's moonlight embedded (Releases · irtimmer/moonlight-embedded · GitHub)

    (i was facing sound stuttering with 2.4.6 version AND GFE in irtimmer's moonlight embedded)

    Well. I did use GFE, Moonlight Embedded 2.4.6 and a raspbian jessie image. Moonlight worked as expected with no audio stutterings. The reason 4 my stutterings was the fact that i had not oc my raspi 1 model b (i used the built in raspbian's 900 Mhz preset as even in 800Mhz i had sound stutterings).

    The strange thing though is that with LE 8.2.3, latest Moonlight addon and GFE i didnt have sound stutterings (even though my pi was only 800 Mhz overclocked). So..i dont know what is happening here.

    Edited once, last by Haris1977 (February 15, 2018 at 12:26 PM).

  • I think it s the GFE that broke it somehow. My setup:

    LE 8.2.3, rpi1, GFE, driver 390.97, win7 --> works

    LE 8.2.3, rpi1, GFE, driver 390.97, win7 --> doesnt work (black screen).


    I can confirm this.
    LE 8.2.1, rpi3, with GFE 3.12.0.X, drivers idk, win 10 = Black screen when chosing a game in moonlight

    LE 8.2.1, rpi3, with GFE, drivers idk, win 10 = No more blackscreen. Works perfectly when running 1080p@60/30mbit
    Thank you for this post.

  • Yep, it's GFE 3.12, they changed something with it. I've got it working using GFE in LE 8.2.3 and the stream is perfect, however it will not detect my PS4 controller at all once it starts up. the PS4 controller works fine in libreelec to navigate around and everything, but once I launch moonlight, it doesn't work anymore. Anyone have a solution?

  • Idk why, but before I used to use moonlight running raspbian on my rpi 3. I remember that the latency was not noticable at all. Now, running moonlight in libreelec, I can notice a real latency which makes for example parrying extremely hard in witcher 3. Don't know if it have to do with running older GFE or because libreelec causes some extra lag. Did not change any hardware other than raspbian vs libreelec. Anyone have any idea?

  • It is looking more and more like the following is the issue anyway with later versions of GFE so i will attempt to install an older version until the moonlight client is updated in LE. This is assuming the client does not need nvidia aswell? one would assume gpu is only important server side?

    • RTSP over TCP for GFE 3.12
  • Hi,

    Not sure if this is the right place for my problem but here it goes: I have no problem streaming the "Nvidia ready" games through moonlight embedded. But as soon as I launch Steam or any game added to the game section through exe or shortcut, moonlight streams through a window instead of fullscreen.

    I think the problem is the aspect ratio. My desktop is 16:10 while I'm playing on a 16:9 TV. If I change the resolution on the desktop to, say, 1280x720 moonlight looks like it's fullscreen albeit with black borders all around. It sort of works, but it's cumbersome and far from ideal.

    Is there an easier way to go fullscreen without having to change the resolution on the source computer whenever I want to stream?

  • Greetings everyone!

    So here is a question that might be a bit off-topic, but I've tried finding an answer and failed so far...
    From what I understand moonlight 2.4.6 should be working normally with GFE 3.12, so I want to try and make/install a build of moonlight 2.4.6 on libreelec however I am tottaly clueless as to how to achieve this.... Is there a step by step guide anywhere on how to compile/ build an addon and manually install it on libreelec??? (I am assuming that if I manage to make a build, I should be able to install it from a zip file on my network). Also
    is this something I can do on libreelec (I mean to build / compile the addon -again...from what I understand these functionalities are stripped off from libreelec ) or do I have to do it from another OS like Raspbian or Windows (build it there and then move/ install the addon)

    Any help will be greatly appreciated... I understand these questions will probably sound silly to most of you but like I said I am totally clueless on how to achieve this (still a newby :-/ )

    Edited once, last by pavlandr (March 22, 2018 at 3:13 PM).

  • Τhere is already a moonlight addon for LibreElec. The problem is that it doesnt work with latest GFE (as we speak GFE: but either in version But it works as expected in previous GFE versions (i dont remember the exact version but i think should do the trick - as long as you don't care about GFE updates).

  • Τhere is already a moonlight addon for LibreElec. The problem is that it doesnt work with latest GFE (as we speak GFE: but either in version But it works as expected in previous GFE versions (i dont remember the exact version but i think should do the trick - as long as you don't care about GFE updates).

    I know there already is an addon for LibreElec but it is an old version....Rolling back on GFE will not work for me because I do keep it constantly updated. I just want to manually compile the latest version of the addon and test it on LibreElec, however I am having a hard time finding any info related on how to do this...

  • I think this addon is generally broken due to the changes in the newer NVIDIA experience versions. I tried it on 3 different platforms (rpi3/rpi1, odriod c2 and nuc). I really want this addon to work so I would provide anything i am capable of to an addon developer, like remote access to the backend pc with the NVIDIA card or crash logs from those platforms above.

    CvH: just tell me how I can help.