Hi Guys,
I'm trying to get my LibreELEC box to reboot at 3AM each night.
I'm not super familiar with crontab, but I think I've followed the instructions. I SSH into my box and then type "crontab -e" followed by adding the following test code to try an 8:15PM reboot:
20 15 * * * reboot
I then press CTRL X to quit, followed by "Y" to confirm save, followed by NumEnter to exit fully back to LibreELEC SSH session.
From there, nothing happens. No restart at the 8:15PM.
I log back in via SSH and open crontab -e again and the code is still there, it just isn't doing anything. I'm sure it's user error, but I'm stumped.
My ultimate goal is to reboot at midnight. I tried
3 0 * * * reboot
that didn't work either