DNS issue - Help me understand

  • I've been having issues getting ServerWMC/PVR WMC working and it may be due to a DNS issue. Can someone explain the following:

    SpareBR:/etc # cat resolv.conf

    # Generated by Connection Manager

    search mydomain.local


    SpareBR:/etc # ping -c 2 htserver

    PING htserver ( 56 data bytes

    64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=128 time=0.341 ms

    64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=128 time=0.823 ms

    --- htserver ping statistics ---

    2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0% packet loss

    round-trip min/avg/max = 0.341/0.582/0.823 ms

    SpareBR:/etc # ping -c 2 htserver.mydomain.local

    ping: bad address 'htserver.mydomain.local'

    SpareBR:/etc # nslookup htserver


    Address 1: domctl.mydomain.local

    Name: htserver

    Address 1: htserver.mydomain.local

    SpareBR:/etc # nslookup htserver.mydomain.local


    Address 1: domctl.mydomain.local

    nslookup: can't resolve 'htserver.mydomain.local'

    Why isn't htserver.mydomain.local resolving? It works fine from a openelec system with the same settings (resolv.conf, netconfig).

  • For future Kodi/LibreELEC usage, make sure your SMB server is running SMB version 2 or higher.

    Other than that, I see no tech/version details related to LibreELEC.

    Perhaps try the "ServerWMC/PVR WMC" forums.

  • I spent quite a bit of time trying to get it to work. Gave up and installed Openelec instead. Openelec worked fine and I was able to get everything working without issue (other than the initial install). I expected both would be pretty similar and have the same issues but that didn't turn out to be the case.

    Regardless, there's something messed up in Libreelec's DNS as the example above should find htserver.mydomain.local.

  • More like something is messed up at your end, DNS works fine here.

  • There's something different with Libreelec.

    The nslookup/ping works fine on Win 7, Openelec 6.0.3, Ubuntu 16.04.2, Win 2008 R2, Openelec 8.0.4, etc. Most are DHCP and some are static. If something is messed up on my end I'm open to suggestions.