Disable Remote Power Button

  • I've searched and tried and tried but I have been unable to disable or remap the power button on my HP MCE remote. For most it seems a remap of <power>noop</power> works, but it didn't make a difference for me. I turned on debug logging to get the button info, here's what I got:

    23:52:37.775 T:139897323001984   DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 312564:6c 0 KEY_DOWN devinput (KEY_DOWN)
    23:52:37.775 T:139897323001984   DEBUG: OnKey: 167 (0xa7, obc88) pressed, action is Down
    23:52:39.138 T:139897323001984   DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 313927:67 0 KEY_UP devinput (KEY_UP)
    23:52:39.139 T:139897323001984   DEBUG: OnKey: 166 (0xa6, obc89) pressed, action is Up
    23:52:44.230 T:139897323001984   DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 319019:8e 0 KEY_SLEEP devinput (KEY_SLEEP)
    23:52:44.230 T:139897323001984   DEBUG: OnKey: rewind (0xc4) pressed, action is ShutDown()

    The down and up keys show an id(167 and 166) same type of id's keymap editor uses, but the power button shows "rewind". I've tried using rewind as the key id and remapping it but that didn't work either. My libreelec is now the tvheadend server so I don't want people accidentally shutting it down. Anyone have any ideas?