Upgraded from OE - No SQL?

  • Hi guys,

    first off massive thanks for this new fork!
    I will be getting involved however i can later in the year when my day job has calmed a little.

    For now - ive upgraded one rPI2 and all went smooth except its having issues talking ot my MariaDB back end on a Synology NAS


    Any ideas?
    Can't explain it but all seems to be working.
    Kodi crashed and when it came back up, library had returned.


    Edited once, last by DoubleT (April 8, 2016 at 9:29 PM).

  • I upgraded from oe to le as well, had the same issue. Just go into the le settings addon and tick the box wait for network.

    The problem is, that option is off by default and kodi may start before the network is up and can't reach the mysql server

  • I upgraded from oe to le as well, had the same issue. Just go into the le settings addon and tick the box wait for network.

    The problem is, that option is off by default and kodi may start before the network is up and can't reach the mysql server

    Yes found that one as after another restart it failed agai. Think I've restored most of my config now and all is well.


  • Just did a manual update from OE to LE, with the same problem. However, I have also set my "wait for network" option, rebooted and I still don't have access to the database.

    Upon further troubleshooting, I find this in the log:

    My database is MariaDB on CentOS 7.

    Anything I could do to fix this?
    Found the fix: kodi forum thread

    I dropped the MyVideos99 database, then restarted my LE system (with all of my other ones shut off). The process took about 45 minutes, but it worked after it completed.