Wifi USB Stick

  • Fisrt, sorry for my english! I gave a Beelink Mini MXII II 905X (running newest LE Version) to a friend and he like to watch movies on his balconi. Unfortunately his Wifi is critical and i wanted to ask if its possible to connect a USB Wifi Dongle to the Beelink and use it for Wifi. I tried with an old Fritz Stick, but i could just connect the internal Wifi of the Beelink and couldn't see any change in network or hardware on the gui.

  • It's possible, but Amlogic boxes currently use an older 3.14 Linux kernel so the list of USB wireless devices that might work is smaller than hardware like Raspberry Pi which uses a current kernel. There is no definitive list of devices we support (too many combinations to document).

  • Thank you chewitt . So i'll search for other Dongles, i'm sure there are at least 2 more somewhere in our house.

    If i'll find one who works, is there a pop up like if i connect a usb memory or how will i see the dongle?

  • If it works you'll see duplicate wireless network names in the connections list; one will be from the wlan0 interface and another will be from the wlan1 interface. In the long run (once you have a working USB device) it might make sense to blacklist the driver for the internal wireless card to prevent it loading at boot-time, then you will only see one set of networks.