No right click in favorites

  • After my smooth transition from OpenELEC (thank you!) I notice that I can no longer right click on icons in my FAVORITES folder. I can right click to put shows in there, but not to delete them... ? thanks

    • Official Post

    If you think this is a bug, then feel free to open a ticket at , as this seems a generic Kodi issue. Attach screenshots and other information that might be helpful to your bug ticket.

  • Thanks... it worked fine in OpenELEC, so I thought it was a bug in LibreELEC. I'll present it in General Support, to see if others have the same issue.

  • Sorry... I had the most recent OpenElec which didn't update to the new Kodi 17.3. I wonder if others have the same issue? I don't know how else to delete favorites icons... Also, I'm using Raspberry Pi 3. thanks

    Edited once, last by ronzo (June 21, 2017 at 2:09 AM).