Possible to install add-ons from command line?

  • I'd like to install "system-tools" to a RPi3 running LE 8.0.2. I won't be able to physically get to the box for a while, but I can SSH in now. Is this possible, or do I just have to wait?

  • Code
    wget http://addons.libreelec.tv/8.1/RPi2/arm/virtual.system-tools/virtual.system-tools-8.1.104.zip
    unzip virtual.system-tools-8.1.104.zip -d /storage/.kodi/addons/
    rm virtual.system-tools-8.1.104.zip

    and after reboot you will see commands available.

  • Code
    wget http://addons.libreelec.tv/8.1/RPi2/arm/virtual.system-tools/virtual.system-tools-8.1.104.zip
    unzip virtual.system-tools-8.1.104.zip -d /storage/.kodi/addons/
    rm virtual.system-tools-8.1.104.zip

    and after reboot you will see commands available.

    Doesn't fully work on krypton and beyond - anything dropped in the addons folder needs to be enabled after a restart (or running 'updatelocaladdons'). No idea if you can do that via SSH - you can do it via the web interface though.

  • That worked, thanks!

    Would it be a good idea to leave the zip file in '~/.kodi/addons/packages' where the rest seem to stay? Would that help anything or break anything?

    I might be able to get to the web interface via some creative tunneling, but it looks like I don't really have to since this is just console stuff.