adapt kmonsoor install-wifi

  • Hi - There are many folks around here that try to install their WiFi dongle with libreelec.

    As / is READ ONLY I like to find out if that can be temporary RW, also to run " " so my Mediatek dongle will work.

    Alternatively I upgrade raspbian to 4.9 kernel and copy the modules created apart.

    still I need to be able to modprobe these drivers, so it will work in libreelec eventually.

    Why on earth things are so closed in LIBREelec? :(

    • Official Post

    which dongle is it exaclty?

    Why on earth things are so closed in LIBREelec?

    Because it's done like that by design. LibreELEC is for the user who don't want to fiddle around with the command line much, isn't Linux savvy and want things "just work". There are many supported wifi dongles around which are known working. Probably yours is also supported and it just needs some tweaks. So best would be to share more informations about that Mediatek dongle.

  • DaVu - thanks for your response.

    Please find below verbose output of " lsusb "

    Still it would be most convenient to adapt the install wifi script.

    most likely needs a few mods before it works in libreelec.

    Please have a look at this URL @github


    • Official Post

    You have an MT7610 device. There is a Linux driver, but it will not be added to this distro until MediaTek (or anyone else) creates a driver that follows kernel driver standards. The current one "works" but does not support a bunch of the cfg80211 framework which will lead to support issues. It also requires users to set the wireless radio configuration via a text file, which doesn't fit with our "it just works" oriented distro.

  • thanks for your reply, Or so no go on libreelec, please therefore can you guide me to a page which adapters should be working fine with libreELEC please? Should be an adapter that does 5G ( 433 /600 ) as USB2.0 supports max 480Mbit, eg an Edimax EW-7811UTC AC600 Wireless Dual-Band Mini USB Adapter . Cheers

    Edited once, last by dolphs (June 5, 2017 at 12:04 PM).