Cubox i4pro video and sound problem

  • Hello all,

    I am a new Libreelec user and I am having some issues with playing movies on Cubox i4pro. The video stops or slows down to almost frame by frame and the sound lags behind. After a while, the video sort of pics up and everything starts to move very very fast like you pressed FFW. The weird part is that this isn't happening all the time and it will even stabilise if I press pause, wait for a bit and then play again.

    I first suspected an issue with my network but the same movie plays fine on my pc so I don't think there is a problem there. I sould give some details for my network setup:

    I have a server which for lack of space I keep somewhere else and I bring the files on my local network using a raspberry pi and sshfs. My cubox connects to the files through SMB. This setup used to work well with Openelec.

    My guess would be the connection between cubox and rPi, but I have no idea how to check that (not that good with linux). I believe that if sshfs was implemented in libreelec, it could solve this problem.

    I have tried to increase the buffer with advancedsettings.xml file but this only caused a long wait at the start of the film followed by a message that the source is too slow. Which is weird because as I said, the same source works great on my PC.

    Any ideas what to do?

  • First copy some files to your SD card on cubox itself and check if same problem occur. I was playing multiple files over samba without a problem.

  • Ok tried that and it works without stutter. So it must be the network then? It is weird that this only happens when playing 1080p movies. But on my PC there is no stutter... maybe vlc has better buffers? really i have no idea!

  • Seems it is network then. 1080p movies are probably more problematic because they need higher bandwidth.

    You could use sshfs on cubox directly. I think it is included in network-tools addon.

  • that would be awesome! but I have no idea how to use sshfs from within network tools. Can you give me some directions please?

    I know how to use sshfs on a normal linux install, and mount folders with fstab, but I looked in fstab in libreelec and it looks empty. Do I just add stuff there? And another question is regarding security. I know there are some issues with the mouted dirs with sshfs and access from other users. In libreelec I connect with root via ssh, which means that all the mounts will be under root. Will kodi be able to read (and maybe write some subtitles) these mounts?

    Thank you for your help!

  • Kodi also runs as root.

    I don't really know how to use sshfs. I assume you could just add a line in or create a proper service file for this if thing would work.

    Something like this from console should work:

    mkdir /media/sshfs
    sshfs -o allow_other,defer_permissions [email protected]:/ /media/sshfs
  • huh what do you know! I will try this in the evening and post the details. But I still am a bit confused about the permanent mounting. Do I use fstab? Or I need to set the mount command to run at boot?
