Music library's SmartPlaylists on LE 8.0.1 returns empty list

  • Hardware: Raspberry Pi 3
    OS: LibreElec 8.0.1

    I tried this with fresh LE 8.0.1 installation on Rpi3, scanned external HDD folders with music files to Kodi library. Created a smartplaylist with criteria 'rating:3' & 'greater than', 'limit to 10', 'order:random', just like I used to do on 7.0.3 LibreElec with success. Opened the newly created smartplaylist, but the playlist returns empty, against all odds and always. I tried similar previously with an updated 8.0.1 over 7.0.3 with the same results, nothing on music smartplaylists, not a single song, whether it was an old list from 7.0.3 installation that worked before, or a newly created under 8.0.1. Everything else in the music library looks ok, like it did in 7.0.3, manual .m3u's, automated top100 and party playlists work without problems, it's just the smartplaylists, which for me at least are the most important of all to listen fairly large music library without too much repetition of the same songs, artists or albums. Can't live without smartplaylists, they have been my lifeline since starting to listen music from digital audio files.

    Simply put, music smartplaylists haven't shown a sign of working under 8.0.1, like they very well did under 7.0.3.

    Attached is the most recent log-files zip (without Network part, because it seems to contain too much sensitive information of network location and shouldn't affect the music library diagnosis, since the music files are located under folders on an external USB HD).

  • I tried the same with smart playlists on Windows PC Kodi for a test and with exactly the same result. Seems that the empty smart playlists are a Kodi Krypton issue. For me Kodi Krypton seems so broken, that I'll wait a year or two until even the smallest of glitches are fixed. And if that should not happen, I'll remain with Jarvis until it stops working altogether. So pissed that people should make new development without of thinking continuity and breaking the old (which sometimes is of course mandatory, but it's not an obligation for development to shatter things down without replacing the torn with working alternative).

  • Check Kodi github for PR's that fix the issue, and if none are found report the issue via Kodi forums, which will be triaged and will eventually end up with a bug report in Kodi trac. If you don't report it, the long-term likelihood of it being fixed is low.

  • Thank you! There's a thread in Kodi forums about the issue and it was Kodi music library problem, that they had changed the library criteria to now include 'Rating' and 'My Rating', where the previous 'Rating' was transferred under 'My Rating' in order to break up the smart lists and not to recognize user given ratings like in Jarvis. Easy workaround (if one doesn't have too many smart playlists to fix) is just to edit each smart list and replace 'Rating' with 'My Rating', problem solved.