hiperion + Wetek Hub (amlogic)

  • Hello,
    I've recently purchased a Wetek Hub to replace my old Raspberry, due to the small factor of the first and the lack of HEVC support of the second.
    I have a Lightberry HD USB (with arduino) which I can't get it to work on Wetek Hub (at least during movies).
    I'm using the LibreElec 8.0.1 distro of Kodi which is 64bit aarch64.
    I've installed Hyperion addon from LibreElec repo, feeded with the hyperion.config.json and the initial effect animation is playing. Also with the Hyperion app on my mobile all the effects are playing flawlessly.
    The problem is with the movies: when a movie starts nearly all leds lights up, still, not moving (greenish colour).
    I think that the problem is in the grabber (amlgrabber).
    Here's my hyperion.config.json: // Automatically generated configuration file for Hyperion ambilight daemon // - Pastebin.com

    EDIT: I've discovered that the problem is only with x265 HEVC files. For all the rest Hyperion is working properly. Is there any know solution?

    Edited once, last by wonderiuy (May 17, 2017 at 4:56 PM).

  • FYI: actually, the RPi can do HEVC 1080p upto a reasonable level. ;)

    I've tried, with no OC it had a lot of skipped frames, with OC to 1300 the skipped frame went to 0 but after 10 minutes of a movie the high temperature logo appeared as the skipped frame. A heat sink didn't helped much. So i've decided for the Wetek Hub

    I'd suggest you use hypercon to make the config file


    My config was created with hypercon-LE. I kept only the LED specification part from the old config.
    The effetcts are playing well.. only the the grabber is not working

    Edited once, last by wonderiuy (May 17, 2017 at 8:02 AM).

  • I've discovered that the problem is only with x265 HEVC files. For all the rest Hyperion is working properly. Is there any know solution?

    EDIT: SOLVED just wth this command (add to autostart.sh):

    echo 1 | tee /sys/module/amvdec_h265/parameters/double_write_mode

    Edited once, last by wonderiuy (May 17, 2017 at 5:01 PM).