SOLVED. Can't see HDD connected directly to mxq usb port

  • There is a WD 3TB hard drive, exfat formatted, connected directly to the usb port of my mxq box running LE (s905/ but it doesn't get recognized.
    I'm not sure how to mount it, as it's not even visible.
    Any suggestion is welcome.

    LibreELEC:~ # blkid
    /dev/loop0: TYPE="squashfs"
    /dev/mmcblk0: PTUUID="821c0a27" PTTYPE="dos"
    /dev/mmcblk0p1: SEC_TYPE="msdos" LABEL="BOOT" UUID="293E-9245" TYPE="vfat" PARTU UID="821c0a27-01"
    /dev/mmcblk0p2: LABEL="DISK" UUID="d385ebc8-4985-42d4-81a6-c963e1dbb111" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="821c0a27-02"
    /dev/cache: UUID="57f8f4bc-abf4-655f-bf67-946fc0f9f25b" TYPE="ext4"
    /dev/tee: UUID="57f8f4bc-abf4-655f-bf67-946fc0f9f25b" TYPE="ext4"
    /dev/system: LABEL="system" UUID="da594c53-9beb-f85c-85c5-cedf76546f7a" TYPE="ext4"
    /dev/data: UUID="57f8f4bc-abf4-655f-bf67-946fc0f9f25b" TYPE="ext4"

    USB drives connected, both not recognized:
    WD my book 1230
    Samsung Story Station 3.0 HX-DT020EB 2TB

    Edited once, last by eisbaer (May 7, 2017 at 2:13 PM).

  • I've done a format on the WD hard disk, thinking that would wipe all potential errors, and tried again. LE does not 'see' it.
    I've run a check/repair in win7 on a second WD 3TB disk, eject hardware safely and connected that one to the mxq. It's also not detected.
    Then I booted the mxq from android and both drives are there in kodi.

    Also, did a boot from LibreELEC-S905.arm-8.0-8.0.1h.img in stead of 7j.
    No drives there.

    \storage\logfiles Logfile

    Edited once, last by eisbaer (May 7, 2017 at 1:31 PM).

  • Here's the complete dmesg output.
    It does show some errors which seem usb0 and usb1 related to me.

    3.614377@3] fb: osd[0] enable: 1 (platform_init)
    [ 3.679026@2] dwc_otg: usb1: type: 1 speed: 0, config: 0, dma: 0, id: 1, phy: c0000020, ctrl: 0
    [ 4.280789@1] dwc_otg: Core Release: 3.10a
    [ 4.280799@1] dwc_otg: Setting default values for core params
    [ 4.280813@1] dwc_otg: curmode: 0, host_only: 1
    [ 4.280835@1] ERROR::dwc_otg_set_param_data_fifo_size:5707: 1024 invalid for data_fifo_size parameter. Check HW configuration.
    [ 4.280835@1]
    [ 4.280843@1] ERROR::dwc_otg_set_param_host_perio_tx_fifo_size:5862: 500 invalid for host_perio_tx_fifo_size. Check HW configuration.
    [ 4.280843@1]
    [ 4.280851@1] ERROR::dwc_otg_set_param_host_channels:5956: 16 invalid for host_channels. Check HW configurations.
    [ 4.280851@1]
    [ 4.280882@1] dwc_otg: probe of dwc2_b failed with error -22
    [ 4.280938@1] dwc_otg: usb0: type: 1 speed: 0, config: 0, dma: 0, id: 0, phy: c0000000, ctrl: 0
    [ 4.382581@3] dwc_otg: Core Release: 0.000
    [ 4.382589@3] dwc_otg: Setting default values for core params
    [ 4.382598@3] ERROR::dwc_otg_set_param_dma_desc_enable:5632: 1 invalid for dma_desc_enable paremter. Check HW configuration.
    [ 4.382598@3]
    [ 4.382609@3] dwc_otg: curmode: 0, host_only: 1
    [ 4.382616@3] WARN::dwc_otg_set_param_dev_perio_tx_fifo_size:6244: Value is larger then power-on FIFO size

  • just for the info, i have Mini M8S (S905) running LibreELEC, install on Internal MMC.
    i have USB Harddisk HGST Touro 2TB (inside is WDC 2,5" HDD),
    format it using Ext4 and its detected by LibreELEC.

  • The hard drive would have to be formatted to ext4 from windows. Have to look into that. But I'm not convinced yet it's a file system problem. I booted with a logitech wireless mouse connected and that also wasn't recognized. Booting from android, connected devices work so at least I know, it's not a hardware issue.

  • Solved.
    After testing with different device trees, this one gxl_p212_1g.dtb resulted in auto mounting the usb hard disk.
    Some further tests have to be done to see if everything else still works ok but I'm happy with the result.
    What I haven't found, probably overlooked, on the forum yet, how can you determine which p2xx number the box is?

    Edited once, last by eisbaer (May 9, 2017 at 7:05 PM).