Install LibreELEC on Banana Pi M1?

  • Hello there,

    I've got a Banana Pi M1, and want to compare its performance with the Raspberry Pi when using LibreELEC. The RPi is usable, but rather slow.

    However, no official build or generic ARM build of LibreELEC seems to be available for the BPi. So I wrote a Bananian image on an SD card, but how do I install LibreELEC from here?

    Strangely, I couldn't find a repository address that could be used with apt-get.

    Also, what are the keyboard shortcuts for Kodi?

  • For starters, LibreELEC is not based on any Debian/Ubuntu distro.
    It is based on plain vanilla Linux plus only necessary bells & whistles.
    Any additional functionality is done via Kodi add-ons.

    The Banana Pi M1 is an Allwinner SOC machine.
    We have no LibreELEC builds for Alwinner devices.
    Basically because support from Allwinner is pretty much total crap as well as virtually non-existent.