Lost wifi after update

  • So a few weeks ago I updated from an older version of libreelec to 8.0.1. In the older version my wifi worked well. Some things happened and I had to leave break my lease before I ever got a chance to mess with the new update on my old wifi. Now I am trying to hook up to the wifi where I am staying currently and the system shows the wifi and every time that I type in the password I get "Network Error" "Operation Aborted". I have formatted my sd card and downloaded all of the OS again. I have turned off the wireless setting to reboot the hardware and turn it back on. I have triple checked the password and that the human error is not an issue. If you can help I would greatly appreciate it. I don't have the option to plug into the Ethernet cable.

    • Official Post

    Which older version?
    Which hardware?
    Old wifi?

    Some things happened? That sounds all spooky.
    The wireless setting to reboot the hardware? That's new one to me.

    So many questions...

  • I'm having this issue too, on a brand new Intel NUC7i7BNH with Intel® Wireless-AC 8265.

    Please help! I can see the networks, just when I try and connect it says 'Network error: Operation aborted'.

    Dmesg which may or may not be relevant:

    Edited 2 times, last by mabnz (December 31, 2017 at 12:43 AM).