I'm a n0ob with LibreELEC and Linux but I have a fair amount of experience with computers, programming and electronics. Currently I'm trying to get a IR remote working by hooking up a IR receiver through GPIO. (Using TSOP32338)
I've connected OUT (data) to GPIO 18, Vs to 3V3 and GND to GND.
I've added device_tree_overlay=lirc-rpi to the last line of config.txt.
NewPi:~ # dmesg | grep lirc_rpi
[ 3.547124] lirc_rpi: module is from the staging directory, the quality is unknown, you have been warned.
[ 4.498173] lirc_rpi: auto-detected active high receiver on GPIO pin 18
[ 4.498392] lirc_rpi lirc_rpi: lirc_dev: driver lirc_rpi registered at minor = 0
[ 4.498395] lirc_rpi: driver registered!
I'm not sure that the TSOP32338 is actually active high, it might be active low? Det datasheet isn't really super clear on that and this is my first experiment with a IR receiver.
NewPi:~ # ps | grep lirc
269 root 0:00 /usr/sbin/eventlircd -f --evmap=/etc/eventlircd.d --socket=/run/lirc/lircd
421 root 0:00 {kodi.sh} /bin/sh /usr/lib/kodi/kodi.sh --standalone -fs --lircdev /run/lirc/lircd
425 root 0:26 /usr/lib/kodi/kodi.bin --standalone -fs --lircdev /run/lirc/lircd
527 root 0:00 grep lirc
NewPi:~ # ls -l /dev/lirc0
crw------- 1 root root 243, 0 Feb 26 16:33 /dev/lirc0
NewPi:~ # lsmod | grep lirc
lirc_rpi 5930 0
lirc_dev 7013 1 lirc_rpi
rc_core 16649 1 lirc_dev
NewPi:~ # irw /var/run/lirc/lircd-lirc0
Cannot connect to socket /var/run/lirc/lircd-lirc0: No such file or directory
Trying irrecord only get's me a no input detected and terminating after 10s.
For some reason the Pi isn't recording any input from the remote control?
Can someone please help me? I have no clue how to get this working and nothing that I've found through googling has helped.
Am I missing some processes that should be running? Should I be adding a pullup or pulldown setting on GPIO 18?
Adding a IR receiver is supposed to be easy but this is just driving me nuts.
Please help!
Ok, I've made some progress.
Using irrecord I've successfully recorded the buttons on my remote.
The irw command still isn't working.
Where is the lircd.conf file supposed to be located? I placed it .config but that didn't work.
Edit. Disabled CEC in the GUI (System>Settings>System>Input>Peripherals>;) and made an addition in Lircmap.xml. (.kodi/userdata/)
No change, still doesn't work.
Edit 2. Somehow lirc had been disabled, reenabling it again, the remote works at least to some degree. Laggy and somewhat unresponsive to the buttons but it works.