Dissappearing Memory

  • I have noticed that every video I play results in the Free Memory shrinking. Play a movie/tvshow from the library or from USB HD and just skip to 10 min in then end, go check free memory in the System Info and the amount drops.

    Eventually my PC crashes

    Full hardware specs (GPU is most important): Acer ES1-511-C35L with Mesa DRI Intel Bay Trail GPU and N3530 CPU, 4GB ram, 3TB usb3 HD on usb3 port
    The LibreELEC version you are running ('latest' is not a version number): Community build devel-20170410

    • In most cases a full debuglog: VJEV
    • Tell us the complete steps how to face the issue, so we can try to reproduce: mentioned above. Play a video i.e. 1080P Hevc 8bit skip to 10min, stop, check memory and repeat
    • Informations about the Kodi video and audio settings (maybe a screenshots from both): Monitor HDMI1 (4K Vizio TV in 1080P 60Hz and blank other screen with limited colours) Audio is ALSA:HDA Intel PCH,VIZ E55-E1 on HDMI with 2.0 channels optimized output.
    • If possible a mediainfo from that file/container: Various formats from x264 to x265

    Edited once, last by Bubba2017 (April 20, 2017 at 2:45 AM).