Nexbox a95x 2g 16g

  • First post please be gentle.
    I'm new to this stuff and not a very technically minded person, so I've probably missed something simple out and that's probably why I'm stuck.

    I've got a Nexbox a95x 2g 16g and I'm trying to install Libreelec from a 32GB sd card using the reset button recovery method.

    I downloaded the Libreelec sd creator to a Windows 10 laptop, then I applied this file
    Libreelec-S905.arm-8.0-8.01e-l.img.gz to the sd card.
    But I couldn't find my device in the drop down box so tried Odroid c2 but it wouldn't let me load it on the Nexbox.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Edited once, last by Dadscab (April 14, 2017 at 6:44 PM).

  • First post please be gentle.
    I'm new to this stuff and not a very technically minded person, so I've probably missed something simple out and that's probably why I'm stuck.

    I've got a Nexbox a95x 2g 16g and I'm trying to install Libreelec from a 32GB sd card using the reset button recovery method.

    I downloaded the Libreelec sd creator to a Windows 10 laptop, then I applied this file
    Libreelec-S905.arm-8.0-8.01e-l.img.gz to the sd card.
    But I couldn't find my device in the drop down box so tried Odroid c2 but it wouldn't let me load it on the Nexbox.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    You downloaded the correct file, as far as I can tell. The Odroid is incorrect

    Download the correct device tree from Index of /s905/device_trees/ depending on the ram in your case 2G & LAN size,

    I use rufus to create the image on the sdcard. using rufus, where the iso button is, select dd from the drop down box.

    Create the image, when you browse the image, you will see a dtb file, delete that & replace it with the device tree you downloaded rename the new device tree to dtb.img

    Then try the pinhole method, if it doesn't work, try another device tree

    Or read this thread-5556.html

  • Thanks bubblegum.
    I've bookmarked that instruction link and I'll have a bash at it tomorrow.

    You can also use the LE USB creator tool, but instead of downloading a version through it (community builds are not there) you choose the file that you already downloaded. After writing is complete you change the dtb as bubblegum instructed you on the sd card.

  • Thanks for all the help.
    I wouldn't of known where to start.
    I've managed (fooling your instructions) to get it loaded.
    I installed ares and Pulse build, after a few stalls and restarts, the only thing that isn't working now is my remote and the strange thing is that my LG TV remote can now control the box.

  • Thanks for all the help.
    I wouldn't of known where to start.
    I've managed (fooling your instructions) to get it loaded.
    I installed ares and Pulse build, after a few stalls and restarts, the only thing that isn't working now is my remote and the strange thing is that my LG TV remote can now control the box.

    For the packaged remote to work you need the right remote.conf, there's a thread here with a lot of them.
    Your TV remote controls the box via cec, you can configure this in settings-system-input