Hi there,
I recently post this issue in "general forum", but ask by the moderator to post it here again, because he thinks it's a Amlogic problem!
Here we go:
Since I've got lirc not comfortable to run, I decide to give ir-keytable a try to manage my remote control! It seems to run very well, my remote is very fast. I'm very happy with the speed, but there is one issue left! Somehow the last used key will be remembered, but only when you use a new one! For example.
works fine, very fast without issues
the last KEY_DOWN produced a KEY_UP followed by a KEY_DOWN
so, when I change a key, the last key is performed twice.
Do anyone knows about this? This has to be a setting too, I think....
So here is my Setup:
LE 8.0.1 on an Odroid C2
builtin ir is used with a XBox-One
And some outputs:
LibreDROID:~ # ir-keytable
Found /sys/class/rc/rc0/ (/dev/input/event5) with:
Driver meson-ir, table rc-empty
Supported protocols: lirc rc-5 jvc sony nec sanyo mce-kbd rc-6
Enabled protocols: lirc nec
Name: meson-ir
bus: 25, vendor/product: 0000:0000, version: 0x0000
Repeat delay = 500 ms, repeat period = 125 ms
journalctl -a
systemctl -a
udevadm info -a -n /dev/lirc0
lsusb -v
Thanks for support,