8.0.1 x86: Another blank screen issue

  • Dear Support,

    I've seen several other threads about blank screen issues, but seems that my case is little different.

    This one is similar to mine, except the fact that my board does not support CEC and I cannot fully relate it to switching on/off the TV.

    In My case it happen occasionally, when I come home from work, I switch my TV to the LibreELEC's input (the box is running 24/7), I see the blank screen. At the same time I can access it over the network (Ping, Samba, Web, SSH), and can play the movies. When I start a movie using a Web interface, the TV switches the refresh modes as normally, there is sound, but no picture. Addons (transmission, rtorrent) are working fine. Seems that all is working except the screen, which is black. I cannot reproduce the issue intentionally.

    Kodi restart does not help,
    # systemctl restart kodi

    only reboot brings back the screen.
    # reboot

    I'm not an expert in linux and don't know where to look. I attached log files. Not sure which one is needed, so attached several. Hope this will help to find the reason.

    Best Regards,

  • Have you tried to just hit a button on your HTPC remote or keyboard and wait a second?

    If you have your HTPC always on and have set in system>energysaving the first option Suspend Display if system is idle then you have to push a button to bring your screen output back.


  • Have you tried to just hit a button on your HTPC remote or keyboard and wait a second?

    If you have your HTPC always on and have set in system>energysaving the first option Suspend Display if system is idle then you have to push a button to bring your screen output back.


    Thank you for your answer. Yes, this would be simple solution. But this is not the case. During the issue, remote control still works, I can navigate the menu, start movies, etc (blindly, of course). The screen remains black.

    And yes, I have "Power saving > Put display to sleep when idle" option turned Off and Screensaver also set to None.

    Also I never seen this happen during operation, only after some idle time when I return home from work, or in the mornings, when turning on the TV after some idle time. This happens about 3-4 times a month. I cannot reproduce the issue, I can normally turn on and off the TV and nothing happens.

    I used OE 6.0.3 in the same mode for long time without such issues.

    Edited once, last by Teppopups (April 8, 2017 at 12:59 PM).

  • At the Power menu do you have an option under reboot?
    Allow Shutdown on idle etc?
    If so... Diasable it

    Dissable system>audio>keep audio device active!

    What kind of HTPC do you have?
    If it is a custom build which mainboard?


    Edited once, last by Nicolas (April 13, 2017 at 10:44 PM).

  • At the Power menu do you have an option under reboot?
    Allow Shutdown on idle etc?
    If so... Diasable it

    Dissable system>audio>keep audio device active!

    What kind of HTPC do you have?
    If it is a custom build which mainboard?


    Hi Nicolas,

    Thank you for your answer. But I'm not sure I understand you correctly.

    1. What you mean by "option under reboot" in "Power menu"? In Power menu I have following options:
    - Power off system
    - Custom shutdown timer
    - Suspend
    - Reboot
    If I select "Reboot", the system reboots immediately.

    2. What you mean by "Allow Shutdown on idle etc", there is no such option. There are similar options in System > Power saving: "Put display to sleep when idle", which is already "Off", and "Shutdown function", which is already set to "Shutdown".

    3. "system>audio>keep audio device alive" option was set to "1 munute", and "Send low volume noise" was enabled. Now I disabled both options as you recommended. Let's see if that will help. But actually I don't understand how it can be related to the blank screen issue.

    4. My HTPC is based on the MB, which is in my signature: Asus N3150I-C.

    Best regards,

  • Hello Tepp!

    This is exactly what I ment.
    If you have energysaving activated there is another option under reboot... So energysaving is completly dissabled on your system.

    I have energysaving activated so I do have another option there. But, if I set it the system keeps always on. I never configured a system with energysaving dissabled completly.

    The hold audio device and send noise options sometimes create curious issues (in my case). Depends on your Hardware. In my case it stoped the system from suspending. My intention was to keep that out of the game.

    What you could try is to activate energy saving and set the new option in power menu if your systems stays your TV is okay then maybe it is a bug in some way.

    Worth a try...

    Best regards

    Edited once, last by Nicolas (April 14, 2017 at 12:32 AM).