Posts by Teppopups
I have this setup with 1gb ram. The controller wont work in libreelec with any of the four files given by the mxqproject website. Anyone have a working conf file for this controller? I looked in android 7.1 and there is no controller.conf file where it is supposed to be, so I cant manually copy it into librelec via ssh. The controller does in fact work in android 7.1 (that came with the box). Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Check here:
Problems with wifi connection on two different boxes:
LibreELEC:~ # dmesg | grep wl_
[ 8.654440@3] wl_create_event_handler(): thread:wl_event_handler:ae6 started
[ 8.663988@2] wl_event_handler: was terminated
[ 8.664100@3] wl_destroy_event_handler(): thread:wl_event_handler:ae6 terminated OK
[ 8.664107@3] dhd_wl_ioctl: returning as busstate=0
[ 9.667374@3] wl_android_wifi_on in 1
[ 9.667377@3] wl_android_wifi_on in 2: g_wifi_on=0
[ 10.735529@1] wl_android_wifi_on: Success
[ 10.736324@1] wl_create_event_handler(): thread:wl_event_handler:afb started
[ 10.795447@1] wl_host_event: Invalid ifidx 0 for wl0
[ 10.797143@1] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_update_wiphybands : error reading vhtmode (-23)
[ 659.420254@0] wl_event_handler: was terminated
[ 659.420316@0] wl_destroy_event_handler(): thread:wl_event_handler:afb terminated OK
[ 659.420324@0] CFGP2P-ERROR) wl_cfgp2p_disable_discovery : do nothing, not initialized
[ 659.420343@0] CFGP2P-ERROR) wl_cfgp2p_deinit_priv : In
[ 659.420552@0] wl_android_wifi_off in 1
[ 659.420557@0] wl_android_wifi_off in 2: g_wifi_on=1, on_failure=1
[ 659.421034@0] wl_android_wifi_off out
[ 670.555638@0] wl_android_wifi_on in 1
[ 670.555643@0] wl_android_wifi_on in 2: g_wifi_on=0
[ 671.607977@0] wl_android_wifi_on: Success
[ 671.608880@0] wl_create_event_handler(): thread:wl_event_handler:b85 started
[ 671.668350@0] wl_host_event: Invalid ifidx 0 for wl0
[ 671.670882@0] CFG80211-ERROR) wl_update_wiphybands : error reading vhtmode (-23)
[ 773.507182@0] wl_iw_event: Link UP with BSSID=98:de:d0:xx:xx:xx
[ 773.507291@2] wl_bss_connect_done succeeded with 98:de:d0:xx:xx:xx
[ 773.526796@0] wl_bss_connect_done succeeded with 98:de:d0:xx:xx:xx
LibreELEC:~ #
Finally connected. Don't know, maybe the router's fault, but other devices (PC, phone) connected without any problems.
Thank you.
... and again (see the log attached).
Tepp -
Hello!Virus, Maleware.... Etc. Anything could be in a ZIP...
Here is a howto to provide a deglbug log.
Nicolas1. "You have exceeded the maximum paste size of 512 kilobytes per paste. PRO users don't have this limit!". Any ideas how to paste 16MB file?
2. The truth about .zip files and malware:
How to decide if a .zip file is safe from viruses or malware : AskTechnologyBR,
Here is the link to a Dropbox folder with unmodified .log files:
Dropbox - LibreELEC -
I ignore zip files attached to forum posts. If someone else wants to review the above they're welcome. Otherwise i'll wait until our log posting guidelines are followed and a or URL link is provided.Yes, the only thing you can do is to ignore, I know that, I know. All my posts and problems on this forum was ignored by your team.
1. I zipped the log because the limit of the attachment.
2. Please provide log posting guidelines you are referring to. I can't find them here on the forum.
3. Kodi writes log in zipped format, so it is uploaded as is, unmodified.
4. What's the problem with you that you cannot open a .zip file? Religion?BR,
Debug log. Non debug logs show nothing useful about the media being played.Yesterday, 03:26 (This post was last modified: Yesterday, 07:36 by Teppopups.):
"I activated a debug log in Kodi settings and started a new video file playback. Result is attached."kodi_001.log (Size: 25.38 KB / Downloads: 1)
Yesterday, 07:30:
"Here you are." (Size: 160.44 KB / Downloads: 0)Downloads: 1 ???
Downloads: 0 ???What else I can do for you gentlemen If you don't even bother to download the logs I already attached?
Code22:19:12.296 T:140415456683776 ERROR: CDVDAudio::AddPacketsRenderer - timeout adding data to renderer 22:19:13.096 T:140415456683776 NOTICE: CVideoPlayerAudio::Process - stream stalled 22:19:13.379 T:140419576375424 ERROR: CWinEventsX11::MessagePump - missed XRR Events 22:19:13.406 T:140419576375424 ERROR: CXRandR::Query - unable to execute xrandr tool 22:19:13.406 T:140419576375424 ERROR: WinSystemX11::RefreshWindow - failed to query xrandr
Dear support,
From time to time I experience a problem with the video playback start. When I start a video file it just freezes. I can stop the file and it returns to a menu, so the Kodi doesn't hang up, but further playback of any video files has the same issue, until reboot.
Please find attached Kodi debug log when this happen. This is log for next video file start after the issue appeared. I mean when this happen I activated a debug log in Kodi settings and started a new video file playback. Result is attached.
I see the following error messages in the log during the issue:
15:05:29.907 T:139986299091072 ERROR: CWinEventsX11::MessagePump - missed XRR Events
15:05:29.907 T:139986299091072 DEBUG: NotifyXRREvent - notify display reset event
15:05:29.926 T:139986299091072 ERROR: CXRandR::Query - unable to execute xrandr tool
15:05:29.926 T:139986299091072 ERROR: WinSystemX11::RefreshWindow - failed to query xrandr
15:05:36.341 T:139982541022976 ERROR: ActiveAE::MakeStream - could not create stream
15:05:36.341 T:139982541022976 ERROR: Process - failed to create audio renderer
15:05:36.341 T:139982541022976 DEBUG: CVideoPlayerAudio:: synctype set to 0: clock feedback
15:05:36.341 T:139982541022976 DEBUG: CVideoPlayerAudio - CDVDMsg::GENERAL_PAUSE: 1
15:05:56.747 T:139982179501824 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 139982179501824 terminating (autodelete) -
At the Power menu do you have an option under reboot?
Allow Shutdown on idle etc?
If so... Diasable itDissable system>audio>keep audio device active!
What kind of HTPC do you have?
If it is a custom build which mainboard?Regards
NicolasHi Nicolas,
Thank you for your answer. But I'm not sure I understand you correctly.
1. What you mean by "option under reboot" in "Power menu"? In Power menu I have following options:
- Power off system
- Custom shutdown timer
- Suspend
- Reboot
If I select "Reboot", the system reboots immediately.2. What you mean by "Allow Shutdown on idle etc", there is no such option. There are similar options in System > Power saving: "Put display to sleep when idle", which is already "Off", and "Shutdown function", which is already set to "Shutdown".
3. "system>audio>keep audio device alive" option was set to "1 munute", and "Send low volume noise" was enabled. Now I disabled both options as you recommended. Let's see if that will help. But actually I don't understand how it can be related to the blank screen issue.
4. My HTPC is based on the MB, which is in my signature: Asus N3150I-C.
Best regards,
Tepp -
It happen again! See the logs.
Have you tried to just hit a button on your HTPC remote or keyboard and wait a second?If you have your HTPC always on and have set in system>energysaving the first option Suspend Display if system is idle then you have to push a button to bring your screen output back.
NicolasThank you for your answer. Yes, this would be simple solution. But this is not the case. During the issue, remote control still works, I can navigate the menu, start movies, etc (blindly, of course). The screen remains black.
And yes, I have "Power saving > Put display to sleep when idle" option turned Off and Screensaver also set to None.
Also I never seen this happen during operation, only after some idle time when I return home from work, or in the mornings, when turning on the TV after some idle time. This happens about 3-4 times a month. I cannot reproduce the issue, I can normally turn on and off the TV and nothing happens.
I used OE 6.0.3 in the same mode for long time without such issues.