Wifi issue

  • Running 8.0.1 Generic x86_64

    If I boot up with wireless networks Active, connection has no options to select.

    If I boot with wireless networks disabled, then enable it. All of the connections are available to be selected from.

  • Did you miss a question? ;)

    Try enabling the 'wait for network' option at the LibreELEC settings. Sometime devices are booting very fast and the network service isn't running yet. Enabling that option will let LibreELEC wait until the service is running.

  • Tried enabling waiting for network & still had the same results.

    Tried a fresh install & still nothing.

    So far the only way to get it to boot is to disable active wireless networks before I shut down or reboot.

    Edited once, last by Jesse_01 (May 13, 2017 at 4:42 AM).