Movie scrapper: How can I update my movie library?

  • Hi all!
    So, it's going to be a very dummy question but I really can't find the answer so I have decided to post here.
    I know that I have the unviersal movie scapper plugin installed but I can't find the way it works or is supposed to work... Nowhere in the different menu I can find an option to scan the media in the video section and try to retrieve the movie info.. is there a script that I can run using crontab to do this job or do I totally miss the way it should work?

    Thanks for your help!

  • Oh! I have another question for you: if I delete a movie in the files section, it still appear in the movie list. Do I miss a step somewhere to clean that up?

    Oh! I have another question for you: if I delete a movie in the files section, it still appear in the movie list. Do I miss a step somewhere to clean that up?

    I guess I have to try this link first ;)

    Updating or removing videos - Official Kodi Wiki

    Edited once, last by rpelissi (April 1, 2017 at 12:48 AM).