RasPi Zero W (LE 8.0.1) Date/Time SSH/SMB Issues

  • Hey Everyone;

    I am wondering if anyone has issues with date/time settings on RasPi Zero W.

    [ - I definetely have Internet Access
    - I have set region etc (locale)
    - I have updated the NTP servers
    - I have set wait for network on boot ]

    Furthermore, funny I cannot connect neither to SSH server nor to Samba server

    [ - SSH hangs after the password is accepted.
    - Samba attemps just hangs and times out after a while ]

    Any ideas??

    Edited once, last by CoderCoyote (March 26, 2017 at 5:34 PM).

  • "journalctl -b 0 --no-pager | paste" from a clean boot, and share the URL, then we can see what happens to the NTP check. The "wait for network" option delays Kodi start and has no effect on NTP/networking.

    The fact that SSH/samba access do not work points towards networking not being right, i.e. Ethernet port at half-duplex or bad cabling. Solve that and you may find that NTP suddenly works too.

  • Hey chewitt; thanks for the reply. As I mentioned in the title, the device is Raspi Zero W hence no wired connection possible.

    Also I am quite new to LE; is the way to run journalctl without ssh access throught the kodi interface? Wifi connection has no problem; i have many add-ons installed and watching live tv. The device is literally on the wifi AP.