Hypercon-LE and Hyperion with LE8

  • Hypercon-LE.jar from Hypercon - LibreELEC works well except for a bug where the adjustments made in the Process Tab / Transform section don't get written to the config.json file. I tried Hyperion's Hypercon v1.03.1 and the settings get written properly, but of course, the Effect Path is all wrong, and it transfers the config file to the wrong directory.

    Is it possible for someone on the LE team to recompile the latest Hypercon with the LE settings? Currently, I have to manually edit the hyperion.config.json file everytime I use Hypercon-LE.

  • Works ok for me. I didn't touch anything in the area so it shouldn't be any different. Make sure you are actually writting the correct file to the correct location and reading from that location. Here is the stock config that should appear, GOJM

  • Figured it out--looks like sometimes if left for awhile, the ssh connection looks good and I would click send config. But after looking at the SSH Traffic window, I can see now that the SSH is actually disconnected, and nothing is sent. Doh! Thanx for the assist.

  • Hi LE-Team,

    i'm using hyperion since openelec 7.x and again on le8.x. Cause i'm using fhem for home automation and noticed some incompatibilities it would be nice if you can upgrade hyperion to newer versions :)