Random lockup Xperience1080

  • Since moving away from Openelec I keep getting what appear to be random lockups. The playing media carrys on playing but kodi.bin locks up. I`ve got a debug log with this happenning. im using xperience1080 on a chromebox, i have no piracy addons etc. This lockup only appears when switching from the home menu to go into movies, tv shows etc. i know that i have a reboot at 6 am each day i can force this lockup by going into system information soon after.

    here is a thread where other people seem to having the same problem Xperience1080 5.x

    I have the full debug log from start to finish but nothing seems to be standing out. The crash happened when trying to load the youtube addon from the home screen this time.

    Here is the debug log for the last 20 mins before the lockup 15:50:00 T:140226444437248 DEBUG: EPGContainer - UpdateEpgEvents 15:50:00 T:1 - Pastebin.com

    Edited once, last by stuCONNERS (July 1, 2016 at 4:55 PM).

  • Ive swapped skins now. Xperience1080 on the raspberry and LE is fine. Wasnt sure if it was a skin issue or a x64 issue as nobody with the error says what OS they`re using.